
IDTF Lineset Problem

  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-03

    Hello all,

    I'm working on an open-inventor to u3d converter. To do this, I first convert the .iv file to an .idtf file and then use the newest version of IDTFConverter,exe to convert it to .u3d format. I think that IDTFConverter has a problem with line sets.

    Please download the zip file from here to see the result. As you see "TestLine IV.jpg" shows a rectangle but the output "TestLine U3D.jpg" shows a some distorted lines. The iv file plus the converted idtf and u3d file are also in the zip file.

    Could you please take a look at the idtf file and see if anything is wrong? How can I resolve the problem?

    Any help is highly appleciated,

  • Timothy Strelchun

    What I believe you are finding is that the verticies associated with the numerous line segments that are converted from the generated IDTF to U3D are quantized such that they no longer appear as a rectangle when rendered as a whole.

    Briefly glancing through the U3D source code, you can see the quantization factor related logic in the Source\RTL\Component\Exporting\CIFXLineSetEncoder.cpp module's CIFXLineSetEncoder::CalculateQuantizationFactorsX function and the CIFXLineSetEncoder::QuantizePositionForWrite function.  I do not recall there being control of the quantization factor in the example IDTF format or the sample U3D software, however I expect that could be added.

    Note:  I do not recall what level of support for U3D line sets is provided in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader.


    Timothy Strelchun
    CE Software Engineering
    Digital Home Group
    Intel Corporation

    The views expressed above are my own and not those of Intel

  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-03

    Thanks Dear Timothy.

    What can I do now? Do you believe that this problem arises from the source code of IDTFConvreter? Do you know anyone or another forum which can resolve it?


  • Michail Vidiassov

    Dear Payman,

    take a look at
    It was produced from your idtf file by my version of IDTFConverter
    which has all kinds of compression set to minimal or off by default.
    Do not remember where exactly that was done
    (as I repackaged the whole thing instead of making a patch set).
    You can find the links to the source in my other posts.
    No Windows binaries, but cmake build used to work under Windows.
    BTW, there you can find code to produce u3d without idtf stage
    - in essence you can create binary form of idtf structures in memory and call
    some "convert" procedure later.
    This u3d issue is not in my RAM since PRC now looks like a better option for my purposes
    (NURBS!), but I can revisit it if you get interested in building your own IDTFConverter
    (to recycle my past efforts for public good ;)

            Sincerely, Michail

  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-15

    Dear Michail,

    That's fantanstic!!!

    Currently I'm using version of IDTFConverter. Could you please give me the link to the source of your own IDTFConverter? Could you please create also windows binary of the converter?

    Thank you so much,

  • Michail Vidiassov

    Take a look at my post "sources repackaged for cmake and autotools" for sources.
    If you fail to recompile yourself - contact me.

  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-15

    I don't know how to recompile the source on windows without having the visual studio solution file. Could you please guide me how to compile it on windows using cmake that you mentioned?


  • Michail Vidiassov

    I'll have to reconstruct my build environment on Windows.
    What version of Visual Studio do you use?
    As  to cmake - google around for basic docs (unless you have been banned there ;).

  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-16

    I'm using VS 2005 (ver 8.0). It would also OK if you give me the binary and dlls.


  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-16

    Dear Michail,

    I successfully compiled the source on Windows.

    Please take a  look at this. As you see in the pdf file, the heat-sink is not rendered from both sides, i.e. when you rotate the model, some surfaces disappear. I've also uploaded the idtf file there. Is it due to the limited features of acrobat or should I modify something else?


  • Michail Vidiassov

    Dear Payman,

    I failed to get the file now (user Account Excceded Bandwidth This account is not valid.),
    but my guess is that your problems have to do with MODEL_VISIBILITY node property in IDTF
    that can be used to selectively control rendering of one or both sides of an object.
    Also there is "Enable double-sided rendering" option among Acrobat 3D preferences that will make
    everything render both its sides regardless of per-node settings.
              Sincerely, Michail
    In general one has to test the model under different "Preferred renderer" settings in Acrobat,
    since some bugs of missing features are not in the code of Adobe 3D engine, but are in the
    interplay of it, Adobe output routines and video system of the PC.

  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-16

    Dear Michail,

    Thank you very much. You were right. My problem is resolved now.


  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-16

    Dear Michail,

    Suppose I have a set of Idtf files (in fact iv files converted to idtf). In each of these files, the model structures are the same, but the model positions and diffuse colors list are changed. Do you have any idea about how to create an animation with sequencing these files?


  • Michail Vidiassov

    How many frames does you animation have?
    I did not work with U3D animations and I am not sure how per-vertex color list change is handled.

    You may ask this question at adobe and acrobatusers forums.
    Or at least in a new topic on this forum.

    Position change cah be handled by JavaScript animation (you can set any position to a node,
    in this way I make text billboards that keep facing the viewer) on the other hand I have seen examples where
    a Flash movie is played on a side of U3D cube - so smooth color change is possible at least in this way.

    BTW, per vertex colors disable lighing effects in curent Adobe viewer, so consider use of textures if possible.

  • Michail Vidiassov

    Dear Payman ,

    please, replace binaries in with the ones you have produced
    and upload resulting somewhere for public good.

               Sincerely, Michail

  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-17

    Dear Michail,

    Thanks for help. I'll open another thread for animations.

    You can get the windows binaries of the your source files from here.


  • Payman Rowhani

    Payman Rowhani - 2010-04-17

    Dear Michail,

    Sorry for the previous comment. Get the binaries from here instead.



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