
Meta_Data Tag

  • cadsen

    cadsen - 2011-02-17

    I use the IDTF-Format to create the U3D. Now I will see the Metainformation in th Attributes tab in the PDF-Documente. But I had no succes. I used the Metadat-Example but with no success.

    The IDTF Converter should support this tags because it is descripted in the IDTF Manual.

    Any help is welcome

    Tahnky you


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-18

    Did you try the solution from "Meta data to show in Reader Object Pane" thread?

  • cadsen

    cadsen - 2011-02-21

    I found this articel but I didn't understand that solution.

    I tried to use the IDTF-Format and IDTF converter to create the U3D-File. I get the 3D-Modelles and the tree-structure but I do not see the Metadata. There is also an example of an IDTF with Metatags but it didn't show me the attributes in Adobe.

    An working IDTF-Example will help!


  • Michail Vidiassov

    to set additional information for a node you need something like

    NODE "MODEL" {
            NODE_NAME "Box01"
        PARENT_LIST {
                    PARENT_COUNT 1
                    PARENT 0 {
                            PARENT_NAME "<NULL>"
                            PARENT_TM {
                                    1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
                                    0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
                                    0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
                                    -3.336568 -63.002571 0.000000 1.000000
            RESOURCE_NAME "LightBoxModel"
            META_DATA {
                    META_DATA_COUNT 1
                    META_DATA 0 {
                            META_DATA_ATTRIBUTE "STRING"
                            META_DATA_KEY "RHAdobeMeta"
                            META_DATA_VALUE "<namespace name=\"24578\"> <item name=\"Area:\" value=\"377.092 inch^2\"/> <item name=\"Density:\" value=\"0.036 lbmass/inch^3\"/> </namespace>"

    The information is visible if you set on "Show Physical Properties" in the Model Tree
    and select that "Box01" node.
    But the original Intel IDTFConverter does not allow for double quotes inside strings.
    You have to patch the sources (FileScanner.cpp) and recompile.
    I have that change in my source repack from "sources repackaged for cmake and autotools" topic.

    But wait, what is that "Attributes tab"? May be we are talking about different things?

  • cadsen

    cadsen - 2011-02-23

    Thank you for the fast response.

    It looks like a solution for may problem. Unfourtunatly I do not have the option to recompile the code for a new IDTFconverter.

    I will send yo a personal message


  • cadsen

    cadsen - 2011-03-08

    Now  I have worked with the Metatags.
    It works exactly the way mvid discripted. Thankys to mvid again.

    We found out that there is a limitation of 255 characters for the Metatags. This includes the name and the value of all metatags for each resource.

    Is this a limitation of the U3D-Format?


  • Michail Vidiassov


    ECMA-363, the U3D spec:
    The String type starts with an unsigned 16-bit integer that defines how many bytes of character data the string contains.

    IDTF spec:
    Maximum length of string is 256 chars with terminating null on one line.

    Looks like it is limitation of IDTF format, but arbitrary one.

    Ergo - "Use the Source, Luke!", change MAX_STRING_LENGTH in IDTFConverter sources from 256 to whatever you need (but not higher than 256*256), recompile and rejoice.


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