
Exporting Text in U3D

Ikbir Kaur
  • Ikbir Kaur

    Ikbir Kaur - 2008-02-21

    I tried exporting Text in U3D file using the technique given in TrueType sample software.
    But its not working. Could anybody point out the possible reason for this ?. Are there any sample U3D files having text inside ?

    • Michail Vidiassov

      Dear Ikbir,

      I can not answer you question directly, since I did not try that sample software (it is Windows-only IMHO),
      but the problem of creating tessellated fonts is nothing new - there are programs that translate
      glyph descriptions in the font file into sets of triangles (or lines). That triangles may be drawn just like others.
      Nothing U3D specific in that - OpenGL and many other 3D engines need that conversion.

                   Sincerely, Michail

    • Ikbir Kaur

      Ikbir Kaur - 2008-02-22

      Hi Michail

      TrueType is a window specific sample software. Its talks about IFXGlyph2DModifier that can be added into to modifier chain of the model node and it takes care of converting glyphs into meshes. Shaders can then be applied on these meshes for final rendering.
      I am getting correct results as far as translation of string into a set of meshes(triangles/lines) is concerned. However, the problem is that those generated meshes are not visible (or hidden) in the final u3d output. It seems I am not applying the Glyph modifier to the correct model node or at a proper location.
      Any help in this regard.


    • Michail Vidiassov

      Dear Ikbir,

      what do you use to view the final u3d output - Sample Viewer from  Intel or embed it into pdf and use Adobe Acrobat/Reader?
      At least for me the result of processing the test scene box_ta_glyphmod.idtf shows differently
      in Intel viewer and Adobe Reader 8.1.2(Mac OS).
      May be glyphs are not supported by Adobe?

          Sincerely, Michail

    • Ikbir Kaur

      Ikbir Kaur - 2008-02-22

      I embed into pdf and use Adobe Reader 8 (NT Platform) to view the output.

      Are you able to see glyphs in Adobe(Mac OS) ?


    • Michail Vidiassov

      Dear Ikbir,

      I am unable to see glyphs in Adobe Reader on Mac OS and Adobe Acrobat on Windows XP (both 8.1.2),
      while SamplePlayer.exe shows them.

      Since the text on "U3D Supported Elements" from Adobe does not mention glyphs,
      most likely Adobe does not support them at all.

               Sincerely, Michail

      BTW, how do you embed u3d into pdf?

      • Ikbir Kaur

        Ikbir Kaur - 2008-02-24

        Thanks a lot for your inputs ! Michael.

        What exactly do you want to know regarding embedding u3d into pdf ?



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