
Writing a C# wrapper class

Umair Amin
  • Umair Amin

    Umair Amin - 2009-03-11

    I am trying to write a C# wrapper class for u3d dlls.
    The approach I have in my mind is that I create a C++ dll which contains functions which can make call to the functions inside the actual and then the dll created by me can be used from within C# using interop.

    Do anyone know of a better/quicker way of creating the C# wrapper for this particular project?

    • Umair Amin

      Umair Amin - 2009-03-14

      I changed the configuration oh helloworld project to make it a dll and renamed the main function and exported it.
      Then I wrote a C# application and called the exported function but when I call it an exception is thrown
      "IFXCOMInitialize() failed cannot load IFXCORE"
      IFXCORE.dll is present in the directory where application is present.

      What might be the problem?


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