
Meta data to show in Reader Object Pane

  • Pat Stevenson

    Pat Stevenson - 2010-12-08

    Hey all,
    I'm using the U3D library to make a file that eventually goes into an Adobe 3D pdf file and I'm trying to populate the Object Data Pane in Acrobat Reader with Property/Value pairs.  This pane shows up in the lower left column of the ModelTree when expanded in Reader.  When I use the IFXNode->SetStringValueX() method I can put key/value pairs that show up in Deep Exploration under the 'Comments' area of the Attributes tab when you look at the properties of the node.  This does not populate the Object Data Pane however in Reader.  When I use Deep Ex to insert info in the Metadata tab of properties of the node, then it shows up in the Object Data Pane in Reader.  How can I do this within the U3D library?  Thanks.

  • Pat Stevenson

    Pat Stevenson - 2010-12-13

    I have solved my problem.  The main issue is that with the U3D SDK you can use the SetStringValueX() method and add strings of meta data.  This meta data showed up as comments under the Attributes tab within Deep Exploration, but not anywhere within the Model Tree on the corresponding pdf file.  There are some special considerations that Adobe made when opening a 3D annotated pdf from Right Hemisphere.  There is a special tag called RHAdobeMeta that you insert using the SetStringValueX() method on an IFXModelNode.  I know this is not exactly within libharu, but I wanted to be complete in my description of the solution.

    To continue, using key/value pairs within a psuedo XML string, you can imbed meta data within a 'namespace' as items and this shows up in the Model Tree of the 3D annotation when a generated U3D file is inserted into a pdf.  Below, is an example namespace:

    <namespace name="24578">
    <item name="Area:" value="377.092 inch^2"/>
    <item name="Density:" value="0.036 lbmass/inch^3"/>

    This comes from a guide called "U3D Supported Elements" from the Adobe SDK.  For my purposes, I create individual IFXAuthorMeshes and then tag them with this kind of meta data.  There seems to be meta data that is differentiated between CAD and 3rd party and this kind of tag was made for that.  Sorry for the long explanation, but I was so happy to make this work that I just wanted to share.  I have a similiar posted question on the U3D forums and will copy/paste this explanation there too.


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