
Various IDEA Plugins / News: Recent posts

TabSwitch-0.7 released

0.7 (#922) - Sep 10, 2003

- Recompiled for #922 (API changes).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-09-10

Box-0.1.1 released

0.1.1 (#908) - Aug 27, 2003

- Recompiled for #908.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-27

Reformat-0.6.1 released

0.6.1 (#896) - Aug 26, 2003

- Fixed FileNotFoundException bug (reported by Dani).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-26

MoveElement-0.2 released

0.2 (#896) - Aug 26, 2003

- Class member (method, field, instance/static initializer, class/interface) moving.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-26

MoveElement-0.1 released

0.1 (#896) - Aug 25, 2003

- Call parameters moving, f(|0, 1) -> f(1, |0).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-26

Camel-0.6 released

0.6 (#706, #896) - Aug 24, 2003

- Removed all options.
- Fixed a minor consistency issue - selection wasn't removed after delete word actions.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-24

Select-0.2 released

0.2 (#896) - Aug 20, 2003

- Works only with Aurora builds (tested with #896).
- Works in xml files - selects root element's children (e.g. target tags in Ant's build.xmls).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-20

Reformat-0.6 released

0.6 (#896) - Aug 19, 2003

- Works only with Aurora builds (tested with #896).
- New option: shorten fully qualified class references.
- Removed wrap single statements option.
- New location of the options: ${idea.config.path}/options/plugins/Reformat.xml.
- Now the options data (if it's different from defaults) is not lost if you remove the plugin.
- API changes (breaks TabifierPlugin).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-19

Box-0.1 released

0.1 (#896) - Aug 16, 2003

- First release.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-16

TabSwitch-0.6.7 released

0.6.7 (#706, #876) - Aug 01, 2003

- Bug [ 771147 ] Window position with multiple monitors.
- Patch (by Alessandro Vernet) [777735 ] Center dialog on multiple monitor system.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-08-02

TabSwitch-0.6.3 released

0.6.3 (#706, #856) - Jul 09, 2003

- RFE [ 768735 ] Fixed selection background.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-07-09

Intention-0.3.1 released

0.3.1 (#705, #833) - Jul 01, 2003

- Bug [ 750650 ] NPE at PsiElementWrapper.findLeavesAt(

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-07-01

InspectThis-0.4 released

0.4 (#833) - Jun 24, 2003

- RFE [ 759547 ] Checking for empty statements.
- RFE [ 759608 ] Checking for redundant semicolons ("; class A {;};").

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-24

InspectThis-0.3 released

0.3 (#833) - Jun 23, 2003

- Bug [ 758833 ] Misses some empty catch blocks: {}.
- RFE [ 758983 ] Modified parameter inspection.
- RFE [ 759313 ] Empty block inspection (then, else, finally, etc).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-23

InspectThis-0.2 released

0.2 (#833) - Jun 22, 2003

- RFE [ 758813 ] Redundant interface modifiers.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-22

InspectThis-0.1 released

0.1 (#833) - Jun 22, 2003

- RFE [ 758690 ] Empty catch block.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-22

Reformat-0.5.1 released

0.5.1 (#705, #833) - Jun 20, 2003

- Bug [ 758122 ] ReformatPlugin or TabifierPlugin error.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-20

Comment-0.3.3 released

0.3.3 (#705, #823) - Jun 19, 2003

- RFE [ 757301 ] Comments for SQL (sql, ddl).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-19

Comment-0.3.2 released

0.3.2 (#705, #823) - Jun 18, 2003

- RFE [ 756546 ] IDEA Filetypes / additions to CommentPlugin types (Velocity files - .vm).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-18

Reformat-0.5 released

0.5 (#705, #823) - Jun 17, 2003

- Bug [ 755684 ] Sometimes enabled options don't work..
- Bug [ 756094 ] spaceBeforeBraceInArrayInitializer sometimes doesn't work.
- RFE [ 756107 ] Wrap single statements (for, while, do while, if).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-17

Comment-0.3.1 released

0.3.1 (#705, #818) - Jun 09, 2003

- RFE [ 751169 ] Comments for Ruby (.rb) - line comment (#).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-09

Intention-0.3 released

0.3 (#705, #818) - Jun 07, 2003

-RFE [ 750406 ] xml intentions: <a/> <--> <a></a>.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-07

Reformat-0.4 released

0.4 (#701, #818) - Jun 06, 2003

- RFE [ 749836 ] BlankLineAfterLastMember, don't touch anonymous classes.
- RFE [ 736785 ] Space before the brace in "new String[] {}".

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-06-06

Reformat-0.3 released

0.3 (#701, #818) - May 31, 2003

- RFE [ 736783 ] Blank line at the end of the class.

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-05-31

Intention-0.2 released

0.2 (#701, #818) - May 30, 2003

- RFE [ 746059 ] Support #818 (changed isAvailable method).

Posted by Timur Zambalayev 2003-05-30