
TyRuBa: logic programming language / News: Recent posts

tyruba 5.9 released


- some restructuring of the sources.
o There is now a class called
"FrontEnd" which offers somewhat clearer interface towards users
wanting to call tyruba from their Java applications.
o Package structure has been simplified.

- Library extensions:
o An alternative to using #generate. See the library file
"lib/filegenerator.rub". Uses predicates to write to files.
This allows more control from within tyruba what files to write
by declaring facts of the form file(name,contents)
o A way to add imports to generated files.
o "javagenerator: support for exceptions and interface generation"
o Capitalization functions (in lib/tyni.rub)
o lib/mail.rub: A function to send email from tyruba. Use TyNI to call
Java Mail API. To use this you must install the Java Mail API and
edit the tyruba shell script to add the mail.jar and activation.jar
files to the classpath.... read more

Posted by Kris De Volder 2002-02-11

TyRuBa 5.8 Released


A rudimentary language reference manual. Very terse and probably full of typos, but better than nothing. (see website directory in release, or

UNIQUE meta predicate (succeeds only when argument query has precisely one result.

TyNI: "TyRuBa Natives Interface" to call Java from within tyruba. This is mainly intended to implement primitives for tyruba.... read more

Posted by Kris De Volder 2001-10-03

tyruba 5.7 released

This version has some cosmetic changes to the commandline interface. There is now a rudimentary "interactive" mode where you can type queries directly from the console.

Changes to quoted code blocks. They are now much more language independent (more like strings with logic variables in them).

Some elaborations to the README files explaining how to use the system.

Up-to-date language documentation/tutorial will follow and is in the making.

Posted by Kris De Volder 2001-08-12

TyRuBa 5.6 precompiled version released

Added a .tar.gz which contains sources + precompiled classes, jar file in one package.

Just in case some people fail to build because they don't have javacc installed on their system.

Posted by Kris De Volder 2001-07-31

TyRuBa 5.6 released

First release on sourceforge. Feedback dearly appreciated. Please, don't hesitate to call on me with questions, bug reports, installation problems, etc.

I'm sure you have some, because the docs are sparse at this time. Help me to improve them by asking lots of questions.



Posted by Kris De Volder 2001-07-31