
Responsability for recycling broke conn?

  • Patricio Keilty

    Patricio Keilty - 2003-06-23

    I've configured Tyrex in Tomcat 4.1.24 to use client-initiated JTA transactions from my JSPs. I retrieve db connections from the connection pool Tyrex is managing via a JNDI lookup. Everything is working fine until de db server goes down ( too often the db server box is restarted ), then connections objects begun to throw SQLException and my app won't reach the database anymore because connections in the pool aren't recycled.
    Who's responsible for recycling these connections, the JDBC driver DataSource implementation, or Tyrex ? Is it possible to configure Tyrex to use jakarta DBCP instead ?

    • Avneet Singh

      Avneet Singh - 2007-12-13

      Did someone find the solution to this??
      My app gets broken connection from Tyrex if the database was recycled.. I need to get new valid connections after the database is up, without restarting my app..
      Any ideas??


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