
Standalone JNDI provider

  • Nader Aeinehchi

    Nader Aeinehchi - 2005-01-17

    Like many others, I needed a standalone JNDI provider.  A standalone JNDI provider can be used among others for Mock Objects.  I allowed myself to make a small modification to Tyrex such that the JNDI provider can be used as a standalone comoponent.

    The modification basically involved removing everything that had to do with transactions.  It took me almost half an hour.

    If there is an interest, I can send my modifications.

    0. Make JNDI provider as a standalone component.
    1. Remove the dependency on transactions, XAResources etc from JNDI provider.
    2. For backward compability, rename the code in 1. to some more general purpose name.  Then make the code in 1. to be the super code for the existing code.

    1. Will you apply the above modifications to Tyrex? And provide it to the community?
    2. If the answer to 1. is "no", how can I legally use the my modified version in both commercial and non-commercial projects?

    In advance, thank you very much.  And looking forward to hear from you.

    • Peter Rossbach

      Peter Rossbach - 2005-03-06

      The Apache start a new Naming project that can help you:



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