
Tyres case study

  • Nicola Gaggi

    Nicola Gaggi - 2002-09-05

    I want know if there are successful case study of tyrex. I am planning to use tyrex as distributed transaction monitor.

    How reliable is tyrex?

    • Riad Mohammed

      Riad Mohammed - 2002-09-05

      I know that people have been using Tyrex with JBoss, Tomcat and OpenEJB.

      The biggest missing piece in Tyrex is there is no recovery of transactions when Tyrex restarts. Otherwise I would say Tyrex is pretty stable. You're more likely to run into database problems than problems in Tyrex.

      • Nicola Gaggi

        Nicola Gaggi - 2002-09-06

        Thank you for your answer. I would like to ask you one more question.

        Which is the algorithm used by tyrex to implement 2 phase commit protocol? Where i can find documentation on this?

        Thank you again.

    • Riad Mohammed

      Riad Mohammed - 2002-09-06

      You can look at the JTA spec from sun:


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