

Jens Pfahl

This tool hides itself in the tray area. To access, use the following hotkeys or access the tray icon with the mouse.

A left mouse click on the tray icon shifts the current special character forward.
A middle mouse click on the tray icon shifts the current special character backward.
A right mouse click on the tray icon opens a context menu with more facilities.*

When you havn't configured the hotkey otherwise:
Press WIN+S to shift current special character forward.
Press WIN+A to shift current special character backward.
Press WIN+W to show current special character.
Press WIN+V to paste current special character in lower case.
Press SHIFT+WIN+V to paste current special character in upper case.

*) Facilities are:
Shift current special character for- and backward.
Paste current special character to current application.
Paste a choosen special character to current application.
Copy current special character to the clipboard.
Copy a choosen special character to the clipboard.
Switch to another special character from another language.