
Can't choose valid country.

  • Mr. Software

    Mr. Software - 2004-08-13

    The XMLTVCountry doesn'e allow me to select tv_grab_NA_DD.  The version of XMLTV that I downloaded doesn't allow tv_grab_na as valid input.  Anybody else seen this?  I modified the .config file via text editor and the tvguide wont startup.

    Any suggestions?

    • JM

      JM - 2004-08-23

      Yep - I've seen this too.  Don't have any clue how to get around it yet.  Sorry.

    • JM

      JM - 2004-08-24

      Is there a way to have TVGuide load an already existing output file?  Running XMLTV manually generates a file just fine - if only I could stuff it into TVGuide!

      • Mr. Software

        Mr. Software - 2004-08-24

        >>Is there a way to have TVGuide load an already existing output file?


        In "Edit Settings you set your XMLTVOutputFile path to the file you created.

        Then you use Load Listings button to load listing manually.

    • Mr. Software

      Mr. Software - 2004-08-24

      Solution to the problem.

      Make a batch file in same dir as xmltv.exe called xmltv.bat

      with the folowing lines:
      @c:\xmltv\xmltv.exe tv_grab_na_dd %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

      Note this assume xmltv.exe is in c:\xmltv directory.

      Now change your settings to point to xmltv.bat instead of xmltv.exe

      It works.........

      Have fun...

    • Dan Wright

      Dan Wright - 2005-06-29

      > Make a batch file in same dir as xmltv.exe called xmltv.bat




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