

Der aktuelle Ablaufplan mit den einzelnen Meilensteinen.
Die Entwicklung startete schon eine ganze Zeit bevor das Projekt reingestellt wurde,
deshalb fehlen die anfänglichen Entwicklungsschritte.
Die Codenamen sind auf finnisch

Pre-Alpha: Tunnistava

  1. Simple testing
    • Starting with one File and Tutorial-Code
    • Closed 2012
  2. Math
    • Developing of an math library with matrices and vectors
    • Closed 2012
  3. Shader
    • Playing with Shadertypes and Antialising
    • Closed 2012
  4. Light
    • simple type of lights like spots
    • Closed 2013
  5. Skybox
    • Skydome for better looking graphics
    • Closed 2013
  6. Framebuffer
    • Using a framebuffer instead of direct rendering
    • Closed 2013
  7. Quaternions
    • Instead of matrices using now quaternions, simpler and much faster
    • Closed 2013

Alpha: Tuuli

  1. correct camera
    • The camera should move correctly with quaterions
    • Closed 06/30/2013
  2. network communication
    • every user on the site should have his own character and ...
    • Closed 07/16/2013
  3. selection
    • Select objects due to picking and highlight them
    • Closed 07/04/2013
  4. interaction
    • better interface for user interactions and internal code ...
    • Open 07/09/2013
  5. graphic overhaul
    • Setting up new graphics and textures
    • Open 07/25/2013
  6. code overhaul
    • cleaning up the code mess, using more design patterns and...
    • Open 07/23/2013
  7. Documentation
    • More Wiki documentation and codecomments
    • Open 07/30/2013

Alpha: Tulipalo

  1. animation and particles
    • Some more 3D effects like sun flare, water and moving cha...
    • Open 08/31/2013
  2. intersection and physics
    • some collision detection and gravity
    • Open 09/10/2013
  3. *

    • Open 09/30/2013

Alpha: Vesi

Alpha: Maa

- - -

  • reaching beta status
    • some big break in develompment. Now feature planning
    • Open 01/01/2014


Wiki: Start