

Martin McDonough


TurboSphere is a reimplementation and modernization of the Sphere RPG Engine. It is a simple, fast, and powerful game engine. It is a clean reimplementation of Sphere, no source code and very little code structure is inherited from Sphere.

TurboSphere uses SDL and Google's V8. This combination allows for simple or complex games to be created easily using JavaScript.

Never used TurboSphere or Sphere? Check out [Getting_Started].

Used Sphere but new to TurboSphere? Check out [New_In_TurboSphere] and [Functions].

Returning and looking at what's changed? Check out the [Changelog].

Want to ask a question? TurboSphere is somewhat supported on the Sphere forums. Be sure to mention you are using TurboSphere, as the original Sphere is also supported there.

Found a bug? That's quite likely, this is very alpha software. If it looks hard to find, or has no mention in the changelogs, you can open a ticket.

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Admins:


Wiki: Changelog
Wiki: Functions
Wiki: Getting_Started
Wiki: New_In_TurboSphere