
OPen Standards Pay off for TurboCASH

It has been a learning curve for us changing to Open Source. We have been at it for 20 months now.

What is paying off for us is our willingness to openly connect to other companies and systems. The Open Architecture of TurboCASH and in particular the XML capabilities make "talking" to other systems relatively easy. We have done interaction with small and big systems This has brought us many new users.

We are commited to having one program with plugin extensions and open doorways to any system that you need to interact with your financials. This enabel us to worry about the Generalk Ledger and our partners can then concerntrate on their Back ends and front ends.

Among the Intergations created in the last year are:

OS Commerce
Point of Sale link For SASOL dealers
Medimass Medical Debtors System
Links to Numerous Banks
Dutch Tax Authorities
Open Office
MS Office
Pastel Data Conversion
Quickbooks Data Conversion

Posted by Philip Copeman 2005-03-17

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