
About Upcoming v0.5

I'm working very hard on v0.5, but there are a couple of bugs that just won't seem to fix. The documentation won't show up, and in fixing the v0.4 Growl bug (the one that required Growl to at least be installed on the machine, even if disabled-- which it was by default-- yeah, sorry about that, it won't happen again) it knocked out the new "Album Art in Growl" feature, so I'll see if I can get those fixed before posting 0.5.

Regarding the afformentioned Growl bug in v0.4: those who are using v0.4 and don't have Growl installed, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience this caused, but I didn't discover the bug until halfway through v0.5, so it wasn't possible at that time to release a patch to the old codebase. You can still get along using v0.3 until v0.5 comes (or you can just install Growl-- or, suffer through the "Where is" dialogs, and still wait for v0.5 to come). Anyway, the Growl issue /has/ been fixed in v0.5 (thanks to nanovivid - - on CocoaForge), and it has been successfully tested on machines both with and without Growl installed.

The new feature list in v0.5 isn't terribly extensive, but I really think you'll like what has been added. And yes... auto-updating (weekly check) has been added.

Posted by Matt 2005-09-08

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