

Tundra Freeware

Tundra Freeware was started by two highschool students. The mission for Tundra is simple. To provide light, simple and effective software, for free.

Tundra was initially launched in October 2012. The initial launched included the Tundra Pro series, including a text editor called Tundra Pro Writer, a media player called Tundra Pro Player and a web browser called Tundra Pro Browser.

With technical difficulties as well as other factors, Tundra had went dormant for an extended period of time, and the original website was closed. However, Tundra has recently shifted back into active mode, and along with direct successors to the Tundra Pro series, there will be more handy tools, including a vectors calculator which takes two points or vectors in three space and calculate the vector, cross product or dot product.

Project Members: