
TeTsuYa IRC Bot / News: Recent posts

Dynamical modules

now nearly all TTYbot functions are dynamically modules. Thus you can use !rehash to tell. This command is usable for level 5 (owners) users only, thus level 5 commands had been added.

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-11-03

New developer

Welcome to furax-. The CVS tree will be updated ASAP. It will contain the source for Perl 5.6.0. So old Perl user will have to change some lines (our => use vars qw )

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-08-28

TTYbot's logo

Hey d/l the sources and look at the logo !! The CVS tree is not updated.

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-08-23

New release for Perl 5.6.0

I'm now using Perl 5.6.0 @work but still have the old version @home. TTYbot is being updated at work so there will be a temporary Perl 5.6.0 release of TTYbot for a while. Future release will probably be for both Perl version. CVS files are for
previous version of Perl. You'll have to change every "use vars qw(xx yy ... zz);" by "our (xx,yy,...,zz);"

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-08-10

Weather support

TTYbot now can retreive weather informations from New command: !passwd to change passwd of user. !voice !unvoice !op and !deop can now be applied to more than one user at the time.

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-08-10

TTbot project : pause

I will stop(slow down) the devel of this project for few months. Reason : I have only one hand left, my right hand is broken while doing roller... too bad :-(

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-06-07

New commands added

Level 3 now have : !USERLIST !REMUSER !JOIN !PART

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-26

logs support

Well the bot sometimes goes ping timeout. So I've added a log support to debug...

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-18

New features news support. The will check for latest news and display it in all channels. !SAY is has become a level 1 command. No more !CYCLE. !ADDME !ADDLIST added to level 0 commands list. !ACCEPTUSER !DENYUSER added to level 3 commands.

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-15

New commands

Level 2 (operators) commands added. CYCLE D DEOP K KICK O OP T TOPIC U UNVOICE V VOICE

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-12

renaming repository

The old repository was named "main". Now the new one is "ttybot". main still exists and will contain old version of the project.

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-12

user list added

OK the user list is now supported. Level 0=guests, level 1=users, level 2=operators and 3=owner. Only 0 and 1 are supported for the moment. Level 1: KICK TOPIC

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-11

! commands added

I have added some ! commands. These correspond to the level 0 user (guest) commands : CMDLIST SAY HELP VERSION LANGUAGE. More are coming soon...

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-10 coding started

I've started to code TTYbot. At this time the bot is only connecting to an IRC server and joins channels defined in the config file. Enough to keep my nick when I'm not online :-)

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-09

Starting a long planning period...

This period will probably be long. I'm now working on the TeTsuYa Mail Client. During this period I will analyse some IRC bots behaviours and write down what mine should do. If you have some suggestion please submit it.

Posted by NGUYEN DINH Quoc Huy 2000-05-05