
Know Bugs


Known Bugs

Version 1.5

  • Test cases must not be moved to non-tsm projects: At the moment test cases can not be created in non-tsm projects. But they can moved there. Do this on your own risk.

  • Names longer than 200 characters can be used through Refactor Rename: Through Refactor Rename a name with more than 200 characters can be used. Also there is no check for forbidden file name characters on Windows. This happens first, when the the test case is opend for editing. Therefor it is recommended to check manually for forbidden characters and name length.

  • Undo partially not working in rich text editor fields: Undoing changes in rich text editor fields is not working every time.

  • Ampersand in filenames is not possible: Images which filenames or pathnames contains an ampersand can not inserted and viewed.