
New tsh

Tsh works! Version 0.2 is now available in the files section. The change log is rather long; here are the highlights:
* new module api - the new api makes eval_hooks() simpler by pushing more of the work onto the modules
* docs are being generated with doxygen
* man page: use of tsh is documented in tsh.1
* tsh looks for /etc/tshrc and ~/.tshrc at startup
* signal handling: tsh catches interrupts now

Looking forward:
The focus will shift for the immediate future to writing a module providing shell variables. Once this is functional, development of general modules for tsh can advance. I expect to make only minor changes and bug fixes to the core until the varables module is working. Documentation will continue to progress for the core.

Posted by brian kowolowski 2002-09-07

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