
tsh / News: Recent posts

New tsh

Tsh works! Version 0.2 is now available in the files section. The change log is rather long; here are the highlights:
* new module api - the new api makes eval_hooks() simpler by pushing more of the work onto the modules
* docs are being generated with doxygen
* man page: use of tsh is documented in tsh.1
* tsh looks for /etc/tshrc and ~/.tshrc at startup
* signal handling: tsh catches interrupts now... read more

Posted by brian kowolowski 2002-09-07

New CVS stuff

The tsh core has been updated quite a bit in cvs. The module API has not changed a great deal, but some additions have been made.

Modules can now set priorities on their hooks. This is intended to facilitate, for example, alias command that take priority over other commands. It is, however, a generic mechanism. Currently there are 3 priorites. The default priority is the lowest - builtin command (higher priority than external programs, but not above anything else).
Also, there is a globally available structure called tsh_data which contains various things to which modules may want or need access. Examples are the input and output streams, the variable stack, return status of last executed command, etc.... read more

Posted by brian kowolowski 2002-02-20

tsh is born

The initial release of tsh is in the files section. The next files release will be after I'm satisfied with the basic core of the shell. Until then, check out the current source tree from CVS.

Posted by brian kowolowski 2001-09-30