
#56 Freezes Entire Desktop

applet (6)

Fresh Ubuntu Hardy 8.10 when opening second tsclient using RDP, it freezes the entire desktop, having to logout CRTL-ALT-BCKSPACE and login again to solve the crash.
More details on the problem here:


  • Pete

    Pete - 2009-02-25

    Ubuntu bug 288868 is marked as a dup of this one:
    This bug is hitting many people using tsclient on Ubuntu 8.10. There's an easy workaround once you know what's going on, but if you don't understand, it causes huge usability issues.

    The patch listed below worked for me in resolving this issue. Note that this is for version 0.150, not the latest unstable version.

    Essentially, if the focus is in the Computer field and the user hits Enter, it performs two actions: the desired response of clicking the default "Connect" button which connects to the computer, and the side effect of dropping down the list attached to the Computer GTK_COMBO control. The kicker is that the form is then hidden, which prevents mouse actions from getting to the control, even as all mouse actions are blocked from other windows pending manipulation of it.

    The workaround, for those who don't want to follow the above links, is to either use the mouse to click the connect button, or use tab to change focus to a different field before hitting enter. If you've forgotten and the list is blocking all mouse input, escape out of your connected session using only the keyboard to return to the tsclient app and dismiss the combo list.

    This should be a quick fix. Please update soon so the downstream maintainers can grab it and get it released.

    diff -pur tsclient-0.150/src/connect.c tsclient-0.150_fix/src/connect.c
    --- tsclient-0.150/src/connect.c 2007-04-12 04:15:35.000000000 +1000
    +++ tsclient-0.150_fix/src/connect.c 2009-02-21 18:35:07.000000000 +1100
    @@ -392,6 +392,7 @@ create_frmConnect (void)
    gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (lblProtoFile), 0, 0.5);

    cboComputer = gtk_combo_new ();
    + gtk_combo_disable_activate (GTK_COMBO (cboComputer));
    g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (GTK_COMBO (cboComputer)->popwin),
    "GladeParentKey", cboComputer);
    gtk_combo_set_value_in_list (GTK_COMBO (cboComputer), FALSE, FALSE);

  • Pete

    Pete - 2009-02-25

    Attribution: the patch mentioned in my previous post is that of Mick Kemsley's.

  • Cerin

    Cerin - 2009-03-10

    I've also experienced this problem in Fedora.


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