
#28 Text and spelling issues - labels, etc

Jason Erwin

-Under Project Development Costs: change "dwevelpment" to development
- Under System Yield: calculation of "investmenrt" change to investment
- Under End User section, Annual production volume: change "Agregated" to aggregated


  • Paulo

    Paulo - 2017-10-27

    Under Estimated annual O&M costs: "subsitution".

    In the Substituted Heat System forms:

    • The title Emssion factor.
    • In the description of the form Current process heat related annual energy demand suplly.

    In Solar thermal

    • The title of the field "maximum thermal storage temperature" does not start with capital letter like the others.

    Other field titles seem to follow different criteria , for example in the Edit Biogas fields the words in the titles sometimes start with capital letters and others in minuscules. ex: Annual Waste Amount [t/a]; End-user location city; Thermal losses in digester [%], Digester Temperature [deg C].

    The description of the field Daily load profile type of the Operation conditions seems to be missing some spaces: Select the most adequate daily load profile type matching the end-user load profile:Continuous profile: load equally distributed along 24 hDay time profile: load equally distributed between 07:00 and 19:00Night time profile: load equally distributed between 19:00 and 07:00


    Last edit: Paulo 2017-10-27
  • Fanny Huebner

    Fanny Huebner - 2017-11-21
    • assigned_to: Fanny Huebner --> Pedro Horta
  • Eva-Maria Wiener

    • labels: --> Priority D
  • Eva-Maria Wiener

    spelling errors are still in the page

  • Eva-Maria Wiener

    Incentives [% CAPEX]] -> bracket too much

  • Fanny Huebner

    Fanny Huebner - 2018-01-26
    • labels: Priority D --> Priority D, typing
  • Fanny Huebner

    Fanny Huebner - 2018-11-05
    • assigned_to: Pedro Horta --> Janani Rajendra Prasad
  • Janani Rajendra Prasad

    • status: open --> internally-fixed

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