
Code Merge Request #2: Fix spelling errors (merged)



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dforsi wants to merge 0 commits from /u/dforsi/trustedqsl/ to master, 2022-05-29

Most errors where fixed automatically by codespell.
Most changes are in user documentation and comments in code.
Some changes are in error messages such as
AddError(_T("Unknow escaped character \'\\%c\'"), ch);

wxLogTrace(compareTraceMask, _T("(%s) Comparing a map obejct - size=%d")

wxLogMessage(_("%s: Unable to upload. The nework is down or the LoTW site is too busy."), infile.c_str());
and other messages that include the word "nework"

I excluded some directories and some words with the following command line:
codespell --skip ./apps/lang,./apps/LICENSE.rtf,./src/config.xml,./src/doxygen,tests --ignore-words-list=ba,creat,nd,preceeding,specfield,superceded,supercedes,te
let me know if I should make any changes.

Commit Date  


  • Rick Murphy

    Rick Murphy - 2022-05-29

    The 'nework' errors are in a localized message so that will require updating the message files (both .po and .mo). I'll merge that change in with the fix for the jsonval.cpp change ('obejct').
    I found the "unknow escaped character" there as well. Thanks!


    Last edit: Rick Murphy 2022-05-29
  • Rick Murphy

    Rick Murphy - 2022-05-29
    • Status: open --> merged

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