
CHECK file missing

  • Stuart Fordham

    Stuart Fordham - 2009-12-03


    Firstly many thanks for this excellent software. I have my RHCE exam booked for february, and I am sure it will help immensely!

    I am running this on RHEL 5.4, and it works, but I do not get the CHECK file in the /tmp/trouble-maker/rescue folder - meaning that I have to check the details file instead (kind of takes the fun out of it!).

    Any ideas why I am not getting the CHECK file?


  • Josh More

    Josh More - 2009-12-03

    This is a classic problem of "the app fit my needs and never went any further".  I got my RHCE on RHEL3 and then my career shifted towards SLES so I never got back to updating this.

    This app was overly designed and supports features that never made it into the trouble packages.  I had thought when I first did this that it was a really neat and a lot of people would help me write scripts to break systems.  This did not occur.

    The hope was that the addition of a CHECK file would allow the system to be used in teaching/testing environments, so I added a hook for it.  Since it was never used in such an environment, the actual CHECK scripts weren't added to any of the trouble file except for do_nothing (the reference implementation).

    That said, I still think it's a really need idea and if you wish to write any check scripts for the individual trouble files, I'd be glad to roll them in and release a new version.  (It could stand being updated to RHEL5, by the way.  :)

    I am more than willing to reactivate this project if there is interest out there… I just can't go it alone, as there are too many projects vying for my time.

  • Stuart Fordham

    Stuart Fordham - 2009-12-04

    There is interest, I came across this app after browsing a certification forum, looking for RHCE tips, so there definitely is the interest out there.

    Although my programming skills arn't up to helping you much at the moment, i think it could be a good impetus in making me learn some perl!

    I would like to help you on this in anyway I can!

  • Josh More

    Josh More - 2009-12-04

    Actually, the whole thing is designed so you don't need any real programming skills, just shell scripting.

    Look in the kitbag at the .tar files.  Each of these contains a settings file which is in YAML (easy to read) that links to other scripts.

    Probably what needs to be done first is to go through each trouble file and make sure it still works on RHEL5.  If so, just update the YAML file to include RHEL5 as a permissible OS.  If not, copy update it and save it as a different name.

    Hopefully it will be pretty straightforward.  It's supposed to be.

    If you have trouble, let me know and I'll try to find the time to update the docs on writing trouble packages.

  • gocyclones

    gocyclones - 2010-05-19

    Just a heads up that development on this project has started again and we are looking to update the supported releases.  I am working on adding verified support for RHEL4-6 and Fedora 13.


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