
Tron7 / News: Recent posts

Goals of prototype 2

We are now starting to work on prototype 2. Prototype 2 will only be a development lab allowing us to test ideas.

The goals of prototype 2 are:
-Definition of a rough Tron7 game protocole. The protocole should be bytes based. Basic login/logout operation and game play will be supported.
-Field will support basic obstacles.
-Random appearing obstacles (circles) triggering effects will be introduced in a fashion similar to what was used in Tron6.... read more

Posted by Philippe Villeneuve 2001-10-04

Prototype 1 stopped

The goal of prototype 1 was to show the feasability of the project. Even through lots of features are not supported (ex: the control of the bikes can be describe at best with "patchy"), no more work will be put on prototype 1.

We are now moving toward prototype 2.

Posted by Philippe Villeneuve 2001-10-04