
Website, and Char Stat/Skill/Dialog System

The website has been changed to only an IP-address, until we get a permanent domain.

Website Address:

The In-game stats and skills are very difficult to understand, but here are the basic character modiffiers:
PT = Player Training
LP = Level Point (or stat point)
VP = Vehicle Points
GaP = Gauge Points
SkP = Skill Points
ACP = Angelic Conversation Points
ECP = Evil Conversation Points

Note: These rates get slower as they level up, and they're easier to level them up on higher-level monsters. (Except for Skps & GaPs, they are number-based for hits/uses)

Player training is where you go out, and level stats the slow and painful way. These add extra attack, def, and other points to the player. The newer version of the stats added by PTing will be classified. although it is highly recommended to take your time, and level up your PTs because they can be a major boost.

Level Points are stat points that you get when you level up. You can choose what you want, like Str, Vit, Int, and Eva to improve your character every time you level up.

Vehicle Points are used to upgrade your vehicles individually. Vehicle points are based on your character Vehicle PT, and you automatically get VP restats to configure the vehicle the way you like it, when you buy a new one.
(1 Vehicle PT = 2 VP)

Gauge Points are based on the use of primary gauges, such as HP, SP, FP, and GP. They make it possible to slowly increase your max of the gauges by 1% per level. It is increased individually if you are in a vehicle (or different vehicle). HP, SP, and FP go up on the first level by 2 uses, and GP goes up by 3 uses on the first level.

Skill Points are used to gain the use of skills, Force skills, ect. You can easily get these if you are a force-type, because you have to use skills to get SkPs. Generally, the rate of getting the SkP is based on the list of skills being used to get a SkP. It's easier to use higher-up skills to get Skill points because of the difficulty of the skills.
-First skill rate = 1 skill for 1 SkP.

Angelic Conversation points are gained in player-NPC/PNPC dialogs. You can gain GCPs by being nice, and not yelling at the other dialoger.

Evil Conversation points are gained in player-NPC/PNPC dialogs. You can gain GCPs by being rude, and yelling at the other dialoger. This can be known to be a bad omen, when you want good fortune for a trade of high wealth, because the NPC/PNPC might get pissed at you, and refuse you-'forever'. The NPCs at higher level Mission requests will get even trickier, because you could even loose your contranct to your alliance, and get imprissoned(You have to escape). You will be forced to become a nomad. Sometimes the person you are dealing with expects you to be evil, and will ask you a very simple question with a sweet answer, and a very dark answer. if you answer with the sweet answer, he will kick you out, because he cannot stand you.

Both of these points can be used for special gears.
ACP could get you an item with a holy skill built in. (ex: Healing)
ECP could get you an item that can give you a evil skill built in. (ex: Vampiric Drain)
You buy these items from a TBA npc in the game.

Posted by Brent 2009-01-23

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