
Tactical Resistance Online/Offline / News: Recent posts


I cannot get this game Idea out of my head, so I'm finally just going to transfer to OGRE 3D, and work with that.

Posted by Brent 2010-09-25

StoryLine (offline)

Two of the three races are over-run by a force not quite comprehensible. The last race, (unknown yet), has the ability to fight off the enemy with a high difficulty curve. If you were in one of the first two races, you must resist the enemy, and build a resistance force, and eventually join up with the only last standing empire.

Posted by Brent 2010-06-26

DB Update

I've just added a large part of the database.

The database itself is off-limits, but later on the data portions of it will be converted into client-side files, in which are encrypted.

Completed segments:
Buildings (37 Entries)

Semi-Completed Segments:
Ships (16 Entries)
Research (4 Entries ++)
Land Vehicles (5 Entries [most of them])
Robotics/Drones (5 Entries)
Space/Land vehicle Weapons [by slot-type] (4 Entries++)

Posted by Brent 2010-02-12

New Devs

I would like to tell you all that we have 2 new devs in 3D Graphics/ Texturing.

DouglasQuade, and Notica666

Douglas has already started to impress me =D.

Posted by Brent 2010-02-10

Login Screen Completed

I've completed the Login Screen. This is what appears as you start up the game. Look at screenshots to see the 2nd Version of it.

Posted by Brent 2010-02-08

New concepts

Tenative note:
~PNPC - Private npc (AI) that you can control. Either you, or companies can own these AIs.
~RNPC - Racial NPC (AI) that owns it's own part in the economy, and owns it's own PNPCs, ect. These are the bulk of the army during the war.
~BNPC - Bounty Hunter NPC (AI, Pirate) that has his/her own area within the stars. This NPC is usually found in coop with the Intergalactic Piratic Brigade (IPB).... read more

Posted by Brent 2010-02-04

What am I currently doing?

Making proof-of-concepts.

Developing DB and server. the DB can be exported to the client for use with single player.

Posted by Brent 2010-02-03

New Engine

I've finally pitched in, and got the Unity3D Engine. Now we can do a LOT more! XD

Still using Blender3D for model Production.

Posted by Brent 2009-12-21

Possible re-back to Python for Python-Ogre

We might go back to Python for the easiser use of ogre-sdk.

Posted by Brent 2009-03-31

Converting to C++ for better engines & name change

I've decided to go with a C++ graphics engine that can run impressive graphics.

I've also decided to change the name to "Tactial Resistance" from "Terrified Relic"

Posted by Brent 2009-01-23

Website, and Char Stat/Skill/Dialog System

The website has been changed to only an IP-address, until we get a permanent domain.

Website Address:

The In-game stats and skills are very difficult to understand, but here are the basic character modiffiers:
PT = Player Training
LP = Level Point (or stat point)
VP = Vehicle Points
GaP = Gauge Points
SkP = Skill Points
ACP = Angelic Conversation Points
ECP = Evil Conversation Points... read more

Posted by Brent 2009-01-23


I beleive this project is pretty relevant now...we've had about 173 hits in november.

145 hits this month.

I'm glad that people wish to play this game. unfortunately, it's in the beginning stages.
You can read some of the articles on this game at

this website is also the birth site for the game. Registering here will register you for later on at the first release.

Posted by Brent 2008-12-15

Deep in development

We've gotten pretty far in the starting stages of making a game. I'm glad to inform, that we have most of the game engine concepts in.

Posted by Brent 2008-12-15

Command your armies

This game makes it possible to control other people and PNPCs. It's encouraged to do this to win wars. if a race doesn't have a leader, a PNPC will take the place. If the race needs a Captain, a PNPC will thake that place.

Sure. this might seem like an MMORPG, but it's a MMORPG and MMORTS Combined.

Posted by Brent 2008-12-06


I've added a few wiki pages. they contain new info on the game.

Posted by Brent 2008-11-25

New Website

I have launched my website, which controls your account status/item mall.

Posted by Brent 2008-11-23

How the MMO Interface will work With the FPS interface

I've been thinking on how to integrate these two, and I think I have a solution. Pressing `(~) will turn the UI Control on. (Unless dead)

This is a crucial decision. I need all the devs to think about it.

Posted by Brent 2008-11-23

Added BGM & SFx Files & UI Images

I've added some files to the server that I've kept for a while. I used to work on a separate TRO with C#, so I had those files in my folder.

Posted by Brent 2008-11-23

Tasks for devs

I'll start assigning tasks soon for the project devs. no due date, but please get the done asap.

Posted by Brent 2008-11-19

3 Developers now! yay!

we have 3 Developers working on the tro project. We just need a few 3D modelers and animaters, and we're set.

Posted by Brent 2008-11-19

Added 3D Engine & MySql Libs

So far, we've attatched & Started the 3D Engine w/ MySql for the db environment.

Posted by Brent 2008-11-15

Adding Engine & Preparing start on Logic development

We have found a game engine that is suitable for this project. I am currently integrating it, so the project can be sent to the other members.

Posted by Brent 2008-11-15

Story Line & Extra concepts (MMO-RTS-RPG-FPS)

In the year of 2600, war is based on 3 different races after one planet with valuable resources, and a relic that could kill any person in the race's path. This tragic battle has many heroes, and has lasted for over a decade. Each race will bribe even you to get you away from the other race.

IGBs (In-Game Bribes) are the other race's worst nightmare. Their own army turning on them for lots of money. The other races will try to get you into their army periodically. This decreases as you get higher in killing their race NPCs. if you don't kill their NPCs or characters, and you get to a high level, you will begin to be spammed by their bribes. On accepting their bribe, the other races (Confidence) goes up, and they ask other people of your old race a little more. You will be teleported to their primary race ship, and ranked based on level. Sure on accepting bribes you will either become a mercenary (Multiple bribe-accepts), or a new race-character. ... read more

Posted by Brent 2008-11-13

Game Specs

This game is based on actual intelligence of the monsters. Cutting through monsters(& they can chop you). [Mesh alter]

The trooper has a universal radio built into the helmet.

Vehicles ->
::Ground:: Tank, Jeep, Mech, APC
::Water:: APC, Boat(light[Speed],...Oil Tanker[Econ])
::Air:: Jet, Heli, Ship(Transport,...Scout)
::Space:: Cruiser, Rocket(TV controlled), Ship

::Ground:: Arrow, Bolt, Energy(Laser), Shell*, CSEWs (Character-Stat Effecting weps [Buffs]), Missile, Exploding, C20(Super C4), Mines, Blanks(Only effects opponents screen as if actually shot)
::Air:: Missile, Nuke, Bomb(Plasma,...Napalm), Shell*, Energy
::Sea:: Missile, Torpedo, Shell, Energy, DepthCharge(Exploding,...Plasma)
::Space:: Energy, Torpedo, Exploding... read more

Posted by Brent 2008-11-13