

Bogdan Drozdowski


Trinventum (Transaction and Inventory Unified Manager) is a software that helps manage an e-commerce business.

Trinventum allows to:

  • add, view and modify product categories,
  • register products for sale (description, price, parameters, photo),
  • view and modify products and individual product pieces,
  • keep track of the number of pieces of each product,
  • add, view and modify product buyers (customers),
  • add, view and modify product sellers,
  • add, modify and delete transactions,
  • run manual queries on the database.

Trinventum is NOT:

  • a webshop,
  • software for ordering products,
  • software for shipping products,
  • a teller or cash register software,
  • a finance manager (you can use GnuCash for that),
  • an electronic payment system.

Trinventum is meant to be more than a property manager - it's a place where you keep records of what products you have, in what quantities, in what statuses, who is buying and selling them and the transactions between the sellers and buyers.

The application contains its database SQL codes. After each successful login, it checks if the database structures' version is exactly what the application expects.
If the version is lower (including on the first run, when no database structures exist), all the SQL files necessary to upgrade the structures are run. Upon error, the upgrade is stopped, and the user is logged-out. To be able to upgrade successfully, you need to re-login to the Trinventum application as a user with full access to the database schema (like the schema owner trinventum created during installation).
If the database structures' version is higher than what the application expects (which usually means that the application was downgraded or a database dump from a newer version was installed), the user is allowed to continue, but with a warning that the application may not fully work.

All the data, including the product photos, is kept in the database, so there is no need for any extra filesystem storage.

Each request to an internal web page is checked to see if the user's session is valid. If not, the request is redirected to the login page.

The login page (and all other pages) also contains a link to a help page with a simple manual for the application.

Codacy Security Scan SonarCloud analysis PHPMD Semgrep Hadolint-APP Hadolint-DB

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Various versions of Trinventum were successfully used with the following components in the following versions:

  1. PostgreSQL:
    • 8.x (checked: 8.4)
    • 9.x (checked: 9.0, 9.6.13)
    • 11.x (checked: 11.18)
    • 12.x (checked: 12.13)
    • 13.x (checked: 13.9)
    • 14.x (checked: 14.1)
    • 15.x (checked: 15.1)
    • 16.x (checked: 16.0)
  2. Apache HTTP Server:
    • 2.2.x (checked: 2.2.22)
    • 2.4.x (checked: 2.4.46, 2.4.52 and 2.4.54)
  3. PHP:
    • 5.x (checked: 5.3.20)
    • 8.0.x (checked: 8.0.2)
    • 8.1.x (checked: 8.1.3)
    • 8.2.x (checked: 8.2.1)

Other versions may also work.


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