
Trininaut / News: Recent posts

version 1.23 released

Version 1.23:
- fixed resizebug with listboxes (only listbox at first tab worked)
- fixed the annoying lost-input-focus after trininaut hides itself

Posted by Questor / Fused 2007-02-07

version 1.2 released

- new skinsupport
- first version of external plugins (winamp- and foobar2000-plugin included)
- many bugfixes and fixed crashes
- when the computer shuts down the registry and centralbrain is saved

Posted by Questor / Fused 2007-02-05

version 1.1 released

- focus-error fixed
- clipboard pasting (Ctrl+V) works in the tabbar
- first version of options-dialog included

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-10-20

version 1.02 released

some small changes in the fuzzy-search

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-10-02

version 1.0 released

version 1.0 released, small bugfixes to stringclass, faster listbox-updates and some other stuff

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-07-06

version 1.0 rc1 released

version 1.0 rc1 released with mousesupport to resize listbox, custom files catalog and (sorry!) changed searchenginelist. planed for version 1.0 final: no bugs and an automatic update via internet.

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-05-25

version 0.92 released

version 0.92 is released, new in this release: firefox-bookmarks are indexed and a small fix in the gui

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-05-09

version 0.90

I've released a new version with _big_ gui-changes. the look'n'feel is the same, but internally I use another method to manage everything (plus some bugfixes). because of heavy rewriting it's possible that I've introduced new (and big?) errors... so please make bugreports (with versionnumber) in the forum on the homepage.

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-04-28

version 0.80 released

new version is out with bigger changes:
- fixed bug with umlaute "öäü"
- fixed small memoryleak in anytextprovider
- don't scan recycler
- fixed bug when entering control panel and pressing return
- skinning support improved (fontsizes, fontcolors)
- unicode-support improved
- calculator-plugin with export to clipboard(press return on result)
- changed from dynamic to static linking(half size of the releasepackage)
- drawing of tabs imporved
- text-input improved(+-*/...)

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-04-07

can't upload website

discs on sourceforge are full :(

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-29

forum available

forum is available here:

I'll add the link to the homepage later when I have ssh-access to sourceforge(right now I don't have)

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-29

version 0.73

- fixed bug with moving splashscreen. new splashscreenposition was also used as mainwindowpos
- computer-shutdown should be handled now (and settings are saved)
- fixed small memleak in AnyTextProvider
- first changes to rework execute-calls for catalogs
- don't scan recycler (thanks ultra)
- fix bug when entering control panel and press return
- skinning support improved (fontsizes, fontcolors)... read more

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-27

new webpage

new websites online with design taken from

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-25


a first version of the webpage is online, but not perfect yet (no link to download, ...) reachable here: it has a faq and first-steps available to new users.

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-22

next steps

next changes to trininaut:
- new website (old\)
- rework execution of actions (today the "anytext" needs to know the source-catalog, which is bad. better: the searchengine-catalog executes and reads the data from the anytext-catalog)
- rework gui (extra small gui-lib with widgets)
- musikcube plugin

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-21

version 0.72

version 0.72 released
fixed: bug in controlpanelprovider, textdraw-bug in listbox fixed, splashscreen added to distribution

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-20

version 0.7 was corrupt :(

version 0.7 was missing the splash-file. later I'll upload 0.72 which fixes 2 minor bugs and includes the splashscreen, sorry

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-20

initial release

initial release of trininaut done! sources in subversion and compiled program available

Posted by Questor / Fused 2006-03-18