
Cloak and Jump

Along with many many balance and bug fixes thanks to feedback I've been getting, I've added animations to the trilobot's "jump" and "cloak" abilities. The mechanics of jump are barely changed, but you do get a bit more of a visual warning. Cloak now works the way it was supposed to. Instead of the moth-winged trilobots just turning invisible, they now fade into the background color. This means you can still see them by watching for stars that blink out of existence, and by seeing them overlap with other trilobots.

I've also begun programming the "jump" ability for the player's ship. Press the '`' key and your ship disappears, replaced by a green targeting circle. The circle can be moved via the arrow keys (mouse not yet programmed). The circle moves very fast, and is not encumbered by the vertical acceleration restrictions of the player's ship. It begins to flash rapidly when the ship is about to come out of "warp". Then your ship reappears where ever the circle was. You can use this ability to quickly get to a certain spot, and to avoid large curtains of enemy fire. I also plan on having the "jump" powerup give you the ability to horizontally wrap around the game area like the trilobots do. Right now "jump" is not tied to a powerup because I'm still testing it, but it soon will be. I haven't even begun working on the player's version of "cloak"

I should also consider using the "jump" circle whenever a new ship is appearing after your old one was destroyed. This lets the player position themselves to a safer spot after death.

I should also also consider letting a player use the jump ability to telefrag without getting hurt. Maybe it releases a blue-laser like pulse right before you warp in, which would let you telefrag only weaker ships. Hmmm....

Posted by Joe Rheaume 2007-05-09

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