
Trillian OTR - Risen / News: Recent posts

End of Development - Looking for new owner

Due to a conflict of interest I'm having to drop this project.

Anybody that wants to take it up please contact me at

Posted by Thisita 2012-05-22

Language bug fixed in nightly builds

As of right now, the language switch crash, initial load crash, and crash on closed window bugs are fixed in the nightly builds.

Posted by Thisita 2011-11-25 Labels: bugfixes nightly build pre release

Risen version 0.6.2 is live!

Those that previously relied on the nightly builds due to various instability issues can now rely on this package.

Also in this release is the ability to have the plugin automatically close OTR sessions when you close the session's message window.

Posted by Thisita 2011-11-08 Labels: release

Crash in preferences dialog for certain users fixed

If you were have this issue, please use the nightly build (0.6.2.x) until the next packaged release.

Posted by Thisita 2011-11-08 Labels: bugs

Users with multiple accounts on the same medium.

Please use the nightly build (0.6.2.x) of Trillian OTR - Risen to prevent the crash bug that persists in the current packaged release (0.6.1.x).

If you then get a "No element found at line 7" message, this post will give you details on fixing your settings file as it was corrupted by a previous plugin crash.

Posted by Thisita 2011-11-07 Labels: bugs