In .Mac webmail, Triap produces an error when the user double-clicks on a message. This action should open the message in a separate window or tab. Triap produces a new tab, then produces the following four errors with the Just-In-Time Debugger:
•"window.opener.addressBook' is null or is not an object' in Triap.vshost.exe[1176]
•'Unhandled Exception' in Triap.vshost.exe[1176]
•"page' is null or not an object' in Triap.vshost.exe[1176]
•'Unhandled Exception' in Triap.vshost.exe[1176]
The number in the square brackets has changed during this testing session, from 1992 at first to 1176 now. I have seen other numbers, including 416.
The new tab that is created has the top frame segment with buttons to Delete, Forward, Reply, etc. but below where the message information should be is blank. There have been cases of this error when the tab does not set its title as the URL until after the errors have finished coming up, and once when it never got a title besides just "Triap".
Clicking Debug in the JIT on the first error produces a break at the following code:
fromAB = true;
var addressBook = {};
addressBook.contacts = [];
addressBook.timestamp = 0;
addressBook.contactsCache = false;
addressBook.nameList = [];
addressBook.showBcc = 0;
Debugging at the second, third and fourth errors produces a break at this code:
<body onload="page.bodyOnload(true); cList = new contactList();" style="background:#dfdfdf;">
Microsoft Exchange Webmail works fine in both Light and normal configurations. Notably, the normal, full configuration will allow you to open a message in a new tab or window by double clicking on it, and Triap does that fine in that context. Gmail works fine as well, but it does not open messages in new windows.
Screenshot of new tab created by Triap for message