
Tree [fb6264] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 Makefile 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 README 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [fb6264] More README formatting
 TODO 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 arith_test 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 arith_test.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 control_flow_test 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 control_flow_test.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 datastructs.h 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 function.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 function.h 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 jump_block.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 jump_block.h 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 lang_gen.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 lang_gen.h 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 main.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 program.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 program.h 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 spider.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 string_hash.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 string_hash.h 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 test 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 test.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 triad 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 var.c 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit
 var.h 2014-07-23 electrojustin electrojustin [953a35] Initial commit

Read Me

Triad decompiler version 0.1 Alpha Test.

Not intended to be used for copyright infringement or other illegal activities.

What is triad:
TRiad Is A Decompiler
Triad is a tiny, free and open source, libdisasm based x86 decompiler that will
take in ELF files as input and spit out pseudo-C.

Triad requires libdisasm to be installed first.

First, it will be necessary to build triad. "make triad" should suffice.
After its components are built, the triad binary will be placed in the build 
directory. To copy the binary into /usr/bin, simply use "sudo make install."

Usage: triad <file name> <(optional)start address>

Simply run the triad binary from the command line and specify an ELF to 
decompile as a parameter. By default, triad will try to find the main function 
of the given file and start decompiling from there.

Sometimes ELFs have all symbols stripped, so triad will be unable to find main.
In such a scenario, the user may simply specify a starting address as the second
command line parameter. But, an incorrect starting address will likely result in
incorrect decompilation or no decompilation.

First, triad is really only meant for decompiling x86 NOT x86_64. This is 
because libdisasm only works with x86. Once again, 64 bit applications will
NOT be decompiled properly, if at all (will most likely just trigger a

The triad decompiler is still very much an alpha. The project is nowhere near
completion and as such is missing some critical features, contains numerous
bugs, has several odd quirks, and has a propensity for segfaulting.

Missing features include support for switch decompilation and full support for
strings and statically allocated arrays (dynamically allocated arrays will
actually probably work to one degree or another, but the syntax will be
most unusual e.g. *(char*)(eax + (12)) = 96 instead of array[12] = 'a').
Struct analysis will be a long ways a way as well, and unions may never work

The only supported binary format currently supported is the Executable and
Linkable Format (ELF), commonly used on UNIX like systems, such as LINUX.

Control flow decompilation should be mostly correct, but it will look funky.
While loops will end up as do-while loops inside of if statements, which is
semantically equivalent but not exactly what the original source would have
looked like. Continues, and forward gotos inside of conditional
statements might wind up as if-else statements. Once again, semantically
equivalent but different from original source.

Optimization and computed jumps will probably cause a program to be decompiled
completely incorrectly.

Triad was designed and tested for programs compiled using gcc.

It is important to understand that the generated source code will NEVER be
exactly the original source (unless the program was compiled with debug 
symbols, of course).

If triad segfaults on you, feel free to tell me. Include a stack trace and a
description of the conditions that triggered the crash if at all possible.
For obvious reasons, it is quite important that triad crash as little as

"Hacking"/Modding notes:
I will be honest, the code is a bit of a mess. It is a short mess,
probably less than 2 KLOC, but the amount of pointer arithmetic and number of
globals used is not for the faint of heart.

That said, feel free to "hack" in features! The license is just MIT, so do 
whatever. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how the code
works or think you have a cool feature that should be merged into the codebase.
I tried to document the source, but I'm sure certain lines will leave many 
programmers confused and/or horrified.

My email is just