Traveling Salesman is a navigation application for use on nettops and laptops for
the OpenStreetMap. It's focus is on clean, well documented code and modularity
via plugins.
Download it:
Start it via Java Webstart:
V1.0.0 is the first stable version that is feature-complete and bug-free enough
to be called 1.0.
It is not "finished" as such a project never is. There are enhancements already
present in the trunk-version that will become1.1 that are not yet part of 1.0
(TMC-support, more translations, new database-backends, ...).
There are also still issues to be looked at. Importing maps is very slow but fully
working. But you have to do the cut and call it 1.0 at some point and for us this
cut was at 1.0.0-RC1.
To try it out, you can use the 2 webstart-versions: and
a wizzard will guide you through the impor of your first
map and configuration of the GPS-device.