
Released 0.9.1-beta

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Released 0.9.1-beta

Postby marcuswolschon on 09 Feb 2009 12:44
Because many people following our latest call for bug-reports are testing using the last stable Traveling Salesman 0.9
but many bugs are already fixed that make testing for upcomming version 1.0
hard if the tester uses 0.9, I released a version 0.9.1-beta .
It is not stable code and downloading will only work after OpenStreetMap switches to api 0.6 on 2009-03-23 but local map-files in api0.5-format work fine.

The webstart-edition will soon get a link to a 0.9.1-beta too.


Posted by Marcus Wolschon 2009-02-09

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