
Translater Trans Writer / News: Recent posts

TTW moved on sourceforge, renamed using o

Former "Translater Trans Writer" is now "Translator Trans Writer". Spelling TTW with an 'e' was correct, but obsolete, now spelled using an 'o'.

On the new site "Translator Trans Writer" has now internal Copy, Cut and Paste support.

Lines can be copied, cut and pasted.

Version 0.6.1 Visit the new location for more news and for all future updates and news.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-03-17

ttwcom on linux (unix)

ttwcom (Translater Trans Writer command line only decoder) has been ported into linux. Thanks to C/C++ ttwcom came over into linux very easy. ttwcom does not have any dependencies except for the standard c and c++ libraries. ttwcom is version 0.5.1 build 02-03-2008.

God Bless you, its by the grace of God and his son Jesus Christ.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-02-05

TTW Command Line version.

TTW now has a command line only dos executable. This is to help out with batch processing using TTW scripts.

God Bless you, you know Jesus Loves you.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-02-03

"Translater Trans Writer" version 0.5.1 Released.

This version includes command line processing. TTW now can be used from the command line without running it in a window. There have been some additions to the Manual in the Manual folder.

God bless you today, cause god so loved the world, that he gave us his son.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-02-03

TTW updated, and tutorial added.

TTW has Short Cut keys added in it, and also there is a short tutorial on making a more advanced English to C script using two parts. The tutorial explains how to use a script in two different parts to make things more advanced.

TTW stands for "Translater Trans Writer" TTW is a scripting program that is used to write scripts, that are used to write scripts.

God Blessings with you today, Jesus Christ will never forsake or leave you, its written.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-02-01

TTW Release 44B01142008, view is fixed.

TTW view has been fixed to keep the text from going under the scrollbars.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-01-14

Translater Trans Writer Beta 043B01132008 News Release.

"Translater Trans Writer Beta Ready"

TTW is a application designed to write scripts, that write scripts.  You write scripts that turn other scripts into usable data.

One example of it is writing your own

programming language, but still writing your programs in C/CPP or another script language. You write your own kind of programming language, using your own kind of syntax. But Still writing in C/CPP. It is like putting an extra layer over
C/CPP. Turning a high level language into a higher language. It all depends on how, or what you write. This does not depend on writing a script that turns scripts into a C/CPP. It can
be used to make a set of ASM programming scripts. It can be used to write a script, that writes a script, that in turn writes a script. ... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-01-13

Translater Trans Writer V043B01132008 Beta Testing Release.

"Translater Trans Writer Beta Ready"

TTW is a application designed to write scripts, that write scripts.  You write scripts that turn other scripts into usable data.

One example of it is writing your own

programming language, but still writing your programs in C/C++ or another script language. But with your special syntax style. It is still Beta, not everything has been put into it yet. It is usable, and ready for experimenting with. There is a manual with showing how it can be used.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2008-01-13

Bugo Fix, v043B01132008

Bug fixes into the application. TTW is a script writer that writes scripts that write scripts.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-01-13

TTW bug fixes, new release of program

TTW has bug fixes. TTW is "Translater Trans Writer", TTW is a script writer that writes scripts that write scripts. A English to C is one example.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-01-13

Beta Release of TTW version 0.41B01122008

"Translater Trans Writer" is a tool that is used to make scripts, that write scripts. English to C and a lot more.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-01-13