

Stencil Location(s)

In order for the TRAK stencil to be available to OmniGraffle it needs to be placed at a particular location.

If you bought OmniGraffle from the Apple App Store Apple require this to be:

  • ~/Library/Application Support/The Omni Group/OmniGraffle/Stencils (where ~ is your home folder)

If you bought it from elsewhere including the Omni Group store it will be:

  • ~/Library/Application Support/OmniGraffle/Stencils (where ~ is your home folder)

Luckily the latest version 5 seems to look in both locations so the advice is to place the stencil in the newer location required by the App Store.

Installation from Sourceforge

  1. Copy the TRAK.gstencil to ~/Library/Application Support/The Omni Group/OmniGraffle/Stencils (where ~ is your home folder)
  2. launch OmniGraffle


Stencils button is on the toolbar

  1. Click on TRAK stencil. This opens OmniGraffle.
  2. Open the Stencils pane.

The TRAK stencil can be located under RECENT STENCILS.

  2. Select TRAK
  3. Click on the Install button that appears

Installation from GraffleTopia (all versions of OmniGraffle)

GraffleTopia is a site that contains lots of templates and stencils for OmniGraffle. The contents of the site are available to all 3 of the OmniGraffle applications (standard, Pro and iPad).

  1. Open the stencils
  2. In the search box type 'TRAK'
  3. Tap on 'Search'. OmniGraffle for iPad will return the results:
    The results of a search for the TRAK stencil.

  4. If you like what you see tap on 'Download' to install it.
    OmniGraffle for iPad shows you information on the stencil first.


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