
Architecture Description Using TRAK Stencil


TRAK is an open source enterprise architecture framework that is simple and pragmatic.

To see how this stencil fits in it's best to first get hold of the TRAK metamodel. Within the document there is a single 1 page view of the TRAK metamodel (produced using OmniGraffle) which shows how the object types and relationships fit together.

Stencil Implements the TRAK enterprise Architecture Framework Metamodel - sample only (defined at

To produce a TRAK architecture view you then need to get hold of the TRAK Viewpoints document which specifies each view in terms of what's allowed and minimum content for well-formedness.

The overall process (very short) for producing an architecture description is described in the TRAK Enterprise Architecture Framework document.

Whilst the OmniGraffle Stencil for TRAK will provide you with the objects from the metamodel with which you can describe the real world, it won't stop you either using the wrong objects for a type of TRAK view or connecting them using the wrong relationships. Dedicated modelling tools can do this and can check for correctness. It's up to you to check against the TRAK Viewpoints document.


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