
traglast / News: Recent posts

Release 0.3 out

Release 0.3 is out. It provides an english and a german translation. To select one just go to the "Ansicht"-menu and select the "Eigenschaften" menu. Here you can select between english and german. A complete english evrsion will follow as soon as possible.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2010-06-09

Developer Blog online

I created a developer blog around my work regarding traglast. If you are interested in you can find it at .

Posted by Kim Kulling 2010-01-06

Win32Traglast version 0.2 released

I have released version 0.2. New features are
- Logging system for development
- Material supports now names.
- Bugfixes and code cleanups.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2009-10-01

New Bugfix-Release

WinTraglast Version 0.1 has released a new version. Now the installer creates an entry into the start-menu.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2009-07-11

Website is online

I added a website with a very basic Howto for traglast. Hopefully this info can help some guys out there.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2009-07-03

MSI-Installer ready for download

Win32Traglast Release 0.1 now provides a basic MSI to make the install process much more comfortable. Have fun with it...

Posted by Kim Kulling 2009-06-22

Win32Traglast version 0.1 is released

The source of Win32Traglast is released! An installer will following soon. The first version supports a very basic FE static solver for 2D-beams and the implementation of a basic algorithm to calculate boundary loads of beam-structures.
This version contains also a MFC based pre- and postprocessing GUI.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2009-06-16

WinTraglast source added to CVS

The WinTraglast source was added to the CVS repository. At this moment it works only for windows compatible operating systems, because WinTraglast use the MFC. But I will kill this dependency as soon as possible.

Posted by Kim Kulling 2005-03-21

First code in cvs

The first code of traglast was added to the Sourceforge cvs-server.

Best wishes

Posted by Kim Kulling 2004-06-11