
#597 BUG - creating annotations refresh fail and disappearance


this is an issue in the draft - review collation window
Creating several annotations in a row will cause the anntation list to disappear. sometimes the annotation lsit wil reamin but not update. Ther are no errors thrown when this happens.

A page refresh resolved the issues but the site returns to the tradamus home/landing page and I have to navigate back to the draft - review collation window.
When refreshed tag avaialable are no long visable except for structural ones brought in with the collated content. Any ones created after collation are no longer listed
the first annotatation created works fine but creating a second causes the issues


  • Domhnall101

    Domhnall101 - 2017-05-01
    • summary: BUG - --> BUG - creating annotations refresh fail
  • Domhnall101

    Domhnall101 - 2017-05-01
    • summary: BUG - creating annotations refresh fail --> BUG - creating annotations refresh fail and disappearance
  • Patrick

    Patrick - 2017-05-02

    Homepage on refresh is related to the masking only.

    The disappearing annotations is from a bad write to the list... check this:

    Error: [ngRepeat:dupes] Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Use 'track by' expression to specify unique keys. Repeater: anno in sortedAnnos(display.outline.annotations,annotations), Duplicate key: object:832, Duplicate value: {"target":"outline/11#126283:105-126283:112","type":"tr-userAdded","tags":" gee","id":234572}…22%3A%22tr-userAdded%22%2C%22tags%22%3A%22%20gee%22%2C%22id%22%3A234572%7D

    Last edit: Patrick 2017-05-02
  • Patrick

    Patrick - 2017-05-02

    adding track by $index fixes the error, but the list has a lot of duplicates. I'm not sure why yet.

  • Patrick

    Patrick - 2017-05-15
    • status: open --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Patrick
  • Patrick

    Patrick - 2017-05-15

    In current build, annotations seem to go in fine, but the list is not updating with no errors showing. Reloading shows them accurately.

    • The content and label don't clear after hte annotation is saved either
    • Hovering to highlight doesn't work, but maybe it wasn't in this interface?
    • Label+content+tags viewing works well for list, however.

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