Activity for Tradamus

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #626

    Read as option in publication

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #626

    It's not null, it is "null" because you removed the default siglum from the "Commentary." I fixed it by adding back a Siglum.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #620

    Order of publication content not consistent with the order of the sections

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #620

    just did. It is still picking up the collated text beforethe single text.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #620

    I have tried this but not luck. I will creat a new publictation and try that

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #622

    Solution is a good one. Tool tips are showing but the elipsis is not.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #622

    List display issue

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #623


  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #623

    Stacking styles not happening.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #614

    Applying a style to tagged text within styled tagged text causes the larger tags style to be applied to the smaller tagged item

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #614

    OK. I can now stack styles but when layout is mixed with styling the problem re-emerges. I think I need to deomstrate what I'm doing.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #620

    Order of publication content not consistent with the order of the sections

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #620

    Index error should have it fixed. If it still occurs on anything, try reordering the sections and put them back how you want and see if that fixes it.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #614

    Shoudl be fixed live.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #614

    Applying a style to tagged text within styled tagged text causes the larger tags style to be applied to the smaller tagged item

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #621

    5 is fixed others are not yet, but maybe are in other tickets.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #623

    Stacking styles not happening.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #623

    currently live

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #622

    List display issue

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #622

    preferred solution to ellipsis with full title in tooltip. Check it out live and let me know if it is insufficient.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #622

    Is it preferable to clip the label or run it to another line and make the button taller?

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #613

    no spaces between decisions causing reflow issues with text in collated outlines

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #613

    Closing. This is fixed and if it shows up again it is likely a bad rendering, not the original issue. It may still appear in publications that have undecided decisions, but that is a strange case that I think is an expected breaking condition.

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r803]

    fix for #623, stacking styles

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #626

    Read as option in publication

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #626

    Read as comes up in every relavant project. Changes text as expected. Null entry loads as option in hte 'read as' pull down.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #626

    Read as option in publication

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #626

    implemented for review

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #626

    Section indexes were wonky, but resorting them fixes that issue. What was underneath that was a misbehaviour in the check for whether the section contained multiple materials. That is fixed in r802

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r802]

    ticket 626

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #626

    This is working with publication 8. So troubleshooting the others (35,36).

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #626

    Read as option in publication

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #623

    Stacking styles not happening.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #625

    apparatus not kidding between pages

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #624

    apparatus are not showing content,

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #613

    This appears to be resolved but I am leaving it open and assigned to me to remind me to test

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #613

    no spaces between decisions causing reflow issues with text in collated outlines

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #623

    Staking styles not happening.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #614

    Applying a style to tagged text within styled tagged text causes the larger tags style to be applied to the smaller tagged item

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #618

    apparatus display of apparatus's is inconsistent in publication

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #616

    Creation of new text section causes the navigation title to break

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #622

    List display issue

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #617


  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #617

    PUBLICATION SECTIONS editing for styling a list supress does not work, neither does remove. Secondary issue that eh blue boxes do not adjust for longer titles. I'll put that in as another ticket.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #620

    This still occurs. The order in the publication is not matching the order in Publication Section editing

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #618

    apparatus display of apparatus's is inconsistent in publication

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #618

    This may not be an issue but right now the content is not loading so it wil need to checked once the content of apparatus's are showing.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #621

    text not highlighting in annotation in collation apparatus - in styling - . in publication - content does not show. list - in styling - supress does not work, neither version. In pulbication stying of list tabs messed up. publication - orfder or sections presented does not match order in the editing section styling - text - paragraph, doesn't work. Stacking styles doesnt work - cant do italic and line. applying paragrapgh and line treats every decison with inthe seleced tags and applies the styling...

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #621

    Styling issues

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #615

    Material level metadata not deleteable

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #615

    Material level metadata not deleteable

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #616

    merged #621

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #621

    Styling issues

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #619

    Reordering of sections not functioning coherently (everybody moves but me)

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #620

    Order of publication content not consistent with the order of the sections

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r801]

    publication formatting fix

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r800]

    fix #620

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r799]

    Manipulating tags for #612

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #618

    apparatus display of apparatus's is inconsistent in publication

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #620

    Order of publication content not consistent with the order of the sections

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #619

    Reordering of sections not functioning coherently (everybody moves but me)

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #619

    Reordering of sections not function coherently

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #618

    apparatus display of discoids is inconsistent.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #618

    apparatus display of discoids is inconsistent.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #616

    Creation of new text section causes the navigation title to break

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #616

    Creation of new text section causes the navigation title to break

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #617


  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #617


  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #616

    Creation of new text section causes the navigation title to break

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #615

    Material level metadata not deleteable

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #614

    Applying a style to tagged text within styled tagged text causes the larger tags style to be applied to the smaller tagged item

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #614

    Applying a style to tagged text within styled tagged text causes the larger tags style to be applied to the smaller tagged item

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 posted a comment on ticket #613

    the issue was intermitent due to the requirement of a string of single word decisions.

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 created ticket #613

    no spaces between decisions causing reflow issues with text in collated outlines

  • Domhnall101 Domhnall101 modified ticket #435

    Rethink the temple icon

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r798]

    just reuse the same formatter to split decisions?

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r797]

    Apply styling when changing sections

  • Patrick Patrick committed [r796]

    proper showing of publication

  • Patrick Patrick created ticket #612

    Tags list does not populate on draft/#/collation/# interface

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #329

    401 error in Publications doesn't bring up login screen

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #434


  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #434

    New UI doesn't show version information

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #449

    works now

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #449

    Other annotate button does nothing

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #450

    401 errors not reported and not giving user chance to authenticate

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #456

    List of tags (or types) for filtering annotations doesn't correspond to what's present

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #458

    Need consistent UI for filtering annotation types (and tags)

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #521

    PUT /outline should return new object in response body

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #527

    PUTting to /outline may create new annotations

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #533

    PUT of /outline creates/destroys motes unnecessarily

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #562

    New User auto-confirms

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #562

    It was a work-around for the non-mailer. It should be fixed now.

  • Patrick Patrick posted a comment on ticket #566

    Could not find a behavior or action path to replicate this. Please add more information to reopen.

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #566

    Infinite digest on main.html#/material/:id/structure

  • Patrick Patrick modified ticket #577

    Disappearing tags

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