
TRAC (Tax Reciept Aggrigator Console) / News: Recent posts

Details about what this app does

All it does is basically take a plain-text file with some tags separated by white-space and replaces them with data from the CSV. Basically it does what "mail-merge" does in MS Word, except to a plain-text file. The output is put in a separate file (so the template is not overwritten and can be reused without requiring realignment).

If you want to print the output onto pre-printed forms you have to manually line-up the white-space in the template file so it lines-up with the pre-printed report's blank spaces, where you want the data to go. The template file is not over-written, as the output goes in a new plain-text output file. So the template doesn't need to be remade every-time you want to use the app. To create multiple template files just keep multiple templates in a separate directory and copy the relevant template file into the app's directory when you want to use it.... read more

Posted by temachina 2010-02-25

Details about what this app does

All it does is basically take a plain-text file with some tags separated by white-space and replaces them with data from the CSV. Basically it does what "mail-merge" does in MS Word, except to a plain-text file. The output is put in a separate file (so the template is not overwritten and can be reused without requiring realignment).

If you want to print the output onto pre-printed forms you have to manually line-up the white-space in the template file so it lines-up with the pre-printed report's blank spaces, where you want the data to go. The template file is not over-written, as the output goes in a new plain-text output file. So the template doesn't need to be remade every-time you want to use the app. To create multiple template files just keep multiple templates in a separate directory and copy the relevant template file into the app's directory when you want to use it.... read more

Posted by temachina 2010-02-25

Colour and other changes

Went through the code and added colour to the console output. I then went through and commented all of the code in the trac.cpp file. I also removed the separator that would show up between each of the forms that are printed to the taxr.print file. Just to make it a little more usable.

Posted by temachina 2007-03-18

Beta out

Yesterday I released version 0.2 of this program (beta).


Posted by temachina 2007-03-01

I am the ALPHA and the OMEGA

The first release is posted with source-code. Go crazy!!!

My todo list:
#1 Add support for a config file for setting layout variables.

#2 Add option to turn on loging (make it off by default, currently it is on by default).

#3 Compile a Linux version.

How about some comments? Anyone have any ideas?
Ill start:
1) Make this web-based with AJAX...
I will start on this after #1 and #2 are done on my todo list.

Posted by temachina 2007-02-27