JLow - 2006-10-29

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I have done it a couple of days ago using the suggestions I
found on the newsgroup
"borland.public.cppbuilder.thirdpartytools" and all went right.

I quote the thread "Turbopower/Orpheus under BDS?
Installation seems OK, but nothing on the pallete?" hereafter.

I hope you find it helpful as it was for me.

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I am slowly moving our projects over to BDS and we are using
some Turbopower components that I need
to bring into BDS. I downloaded the latest from SourceForge
(O407 I believe). I did my best to
follow the installation instructions and everything seems to
go fine. But after the "Install New
Components" step, the components don't appear to be
available on the Tool Pallete. Is there some
step that I am doing wrong or missing? The packages appear
on the project options "Turbopower
Orpheus 4.07 designtime package - VCL100". Clicking on
"Components" while highlighted on the item
shows the components such as TO32FlexButton with the proper
bitmap, but I can't seem to make the
component appear on the toolbar. When I built the packages,
I did click on Project|Options|Linker
and said "Generate all C++ Builder files". Am I missing
something else? Any help would be greatly



Hi Michael,

Double check that you have clicked on "Generate all C++
Builder files" and
perhaps remove the package from BDS Studio before doing a
full build and
then reinstall it.

Make sure you have the latest C++ Builder Updates as there
was problems in
the early days of C++ Builder 2006 where once a package had
been installed
in Delphi is sometimes didn't show up in C++ Builder even
after rebuilding
with C++ Builder support.

Many thanks

Simon Farmer
BuilderBooster Team.

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