
online edition

The online edition of the book "The Practice of Parallel Programming" has been published. You can download it or read online.

To fully learn the parallel programming, you need three books: a book on the theory of parallelism and the partitioning of the computations, a book on a particular API you plan to use, and this one. How to stop a multithreaded program correctly? Or how to stop only a single connection in a multi-user server? What if the program receives a signal? How are the scalable data structures built? What synchronization primitives are more appropriate in which usage patterns, and how are they related to each other? A whole lot of questions about the queues and pipelines. When are the lock-free paradigms hot and when not? How to multiplex with threads and without them? This book provides the answers for all these questions and more.

Posted by Sergey Babkin 2010-01-28

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