
tplLeagueStats / News: Recent posts

tplLeagueStats 2.0 is out

After almost 10 years, new version is available. See highlights:
- not compatible with 1.* version
- changed all the table & column names to be easier written
- changed all the mysql_querys to pdo-queries
- changed admin/leaguematches.php to be easier to add teams (removed dropdown menus)
- added admin/functions.php to have some functions in the code ;)
- some bug fixes noticed when calculating points for lose
- several bug fixes related to php warnings

Posted by Timo Leppänen 2013-08-16

Bug fix in tplLeagueStats

tplLeagueStats has updated to version 1.02. The new version fixes a bug when deleting a season. 1.02 also has new language build in: Dutch.

Posted by Timo Leppänen 2003-08-23

tplLeagueStats updated to version 1.01

Today TPL Design released a new version of tplLeagueStats. Version number is currently 1.01.

New features: six new languages (Bulgarian, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Swedish)

Bugs: fixed one bug when session variable was not correctly passed from index.php to headtohead.php.

Posted by Timo Leppänen 2003-08-13

tplLeagueStats 1.0 is out!

TPL Design is proud to release their first totally free PHP-software. tplLeagueStats is a perfect answer for all soccer team and league webmaster. Just try it!

Posted by Timo Leppänen 2003-07-23