Activity for ToxTrac

  • Tallant01 Tallant01 modified a comment on a wiki page

    Installing and running the software is a straightforward process designed for user convenience. First, download the installer from the official website and follow the on-screen instructions. Once installed, launch the software and complete the initial setup. For any issues encountered during installation or use, Velocity Global customer service is available 24/7 to provide expert assistance. Their dedicated support team ensures a smooth experience, allowing users to maximize the software's capabilities...

  • Tallant01 Tallant01 posted a comment on a wiki page


  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v024.1.2_setup.exe

  • Tiffany O. Tiffany O. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I recommend checking storage space to ensure the data can be saved (I also had that issue). And yes, I meant selecting less arenas to be defined. Sometimes I do 1 arena at a time and it works while it is not successful when I try 5 arenas. The program should allow you to scrub through your video and help you confirm that only your highlighted organism or object is being tracked. I noticed that even at a threshold of 100 with bright signal can be lost in the middle of the video where my organism is...

  • Mia S. Mia S. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Tiffany, thanks for your response! We've been troubleshooting this issue for a while. I wondered if you could clarify what you mean by "selecting less areas to process". Do you mean defining fewer arenas in our videos? For reference, our videos each have 6 circular arenas (petri dishes), and we've been trying to define all six when we analyze each video. But, we just now tried only defining three arenas out of six, and we got the same crash. We noticed that ToxTrac also tracks different "areas"...

  • Tiffany O. Tiffany O. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am also having this issue, and separately receiving a "no data found, check calibration and area definition" after the completion menu. Even though I've processed the video before and yielded results. How I resolved the issue you've described is selecting less area's to process which would take you longer to get through the whole video if you have lots of samples. Good luck!

  • Mia S. Mia S. posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I was wondering how to resolve this glitch where the program fully processes a video, says it is complete, then shuts down the whole program before we can look at the results. We tried compressing the videos but that didn't seem to help the tracking process. Any information/advice would be highly appreciated, thank you for considering!

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I will try to work on this, to see what I can do

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I've been working with the software and noticed that the Excel file generated for saving results is limited to 65535 rows, likely due to the use of the Excel 97-2003 format. Is there a way to save the results in a newer Excel format to display all the data? If not, can I manually change the format or access raw data to view tracking information for the entire duration? Additionally, is it possible to edit the data manually and have toxtrac recalculate the population with the provided information?...

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I've been working with the software and noticed that the Excel file generated for saving results is limited to 65535 rows, likely due to the use of the Excel 97-2003 format. Is there a way to save the results in a newer Excel format to display all the data? If not, can I manually change the format or access raw data to view tracking information for the entire duration? Additionally, is it possible to edit the data manually and have toxtrac recalculate the population with the provided information?...

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified ticket #2

    Color values in graphical results

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Bobby Hill I have tested and examined all the data you sent me. I have uploaded a new version correcting 2 bugs, in the arena selection process and detection preview. After tested the new version with your video, I think you should be able to use it now without problems. Regarding the issue of the compressed video output. I have checked on that too. Im afraid the problem is not in the quality of the output video. But in the quality of the original video. If you export and cut a frame of the...

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v024.1.1_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Sorry for the delay, we had a couple of non-working days. I am taking a look into your data, expect feddback before the end of this week.

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi sorry to hear this. Can you sed me a copy of the images you have problems with, and the videos? I would also nees your configuration and project files to try to reproduce the crash in our side. You can send all the info to

  • Morgan Abbott Morgan Abbott posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Also, I am running into a problem where ToxTrac is crashing after running a video that has previously been analyzed in older versions.

  • Morgan Abbott Morgan Abbott posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, Thank you for the new, updated version. I am really excited to use it and see if it addresses some of the issues I've been having with trhe detection of false positives. I have run into an issue with my calibration pics used in previous versions. They are now failing to calibrate. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    yes here is the video I used, I found two crashes by following these steps, some of them also occur randomly, also occur on 2 pc's with the same and alternate videos. The steps I follow to reproduce the 1st problem are usually this. 1: load the video 11-21 or any, default project location 2: switch to detection tab 3: switch to arena definition tab 4: click arena definition set to manual 5: click clear arenas 6: click...

  • Magnus Andersson Magnus Andersson posted a comment on discussion Example videos

    If you have a good example of configuring ToxTrac for your particular tracking environment, kindly share a video or a link to one here. It would greatly assist other users :- )

  • Magnus Andersson Magnus Andersson modified a wiki page


  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Glad There are some sample videos you can download in this site. The OneDrive Folder is actually a shared folder from us, so people can upload files they have problems with so maybe we can help.

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hey Bobby, Lets go Step By step, lets deal first with the arena crash. Can you send me your input video, and a step by step way to reproduce the issue on my side?

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Here is the compressed video.

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I also get the same issue when trying to do view tracking where the view tracking button shows the preview which is very nice, but the output video is very compressed.

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am also having issues with the new version where if I place my video into the project, change arena to manual, and create an arena, then click detection the program crashes immediately.

  • GLAD GLAD posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Its amazing to find such a user friendly software to track the animals. thanks a lot for sharing it free for the researchers. but i come across a problem... the sample files are in Onedrive and i donot have an account to download it from Onedrive. for creating one the site asks nearly 1500rs. Is it possible to share the sample files in any other ways. thankyou

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello, I am using ToxTrac to track slow-moving insects and its been pretty great but I have some questions: How can I increase the maximum number of frames for generating the background? The default value of 1000 frames is not enough to capture the movement of my insects. Where can I find an updated wiki or documentation for ToxTrac? The ones I have seen are from 2017-2018 and they do not include the new features of the latest versions. Is it possible to set different parameters for different arenas...

  • Magnus Andersson Magnus Andersson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Bobby, I suggest trying out the new version of ToxTrac, especially the Advanced Detection algorithms we've implemented. Also, based on the screenshot you shared, I recommend positioning the camera in a top-view position. This adjustment will help eliminate the perspective issue, ensuring more accurate tracking results.

  • Magnus Andersson Magnus Andersson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Jaqueline, the new ToxTrac version can now be downloaded! The Advanced Detection algorithms will hopefully help you if you have noise in the data to improve tracking.

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v024.01_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Also when rendering the video it appears that it becomes very stretched, is there a way to render the video so that it appears as it did in the original video? or just a sliver like it does when its in the view tracking button?

  • Bobby Hill Bobby Hill posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Firstly, I’d like to express my appreciation for this excellent program. It’s fast and provides a wealth of detail. However, I have a few questions and concerns. I’ve encountered an issue with the detection feature. When I attempt to select an object, the program often identifies small background objects as creatures. Adjusting the object color selection usually resolves this, but it seems to cause problems when multiple arenas are involved. It either removes the creature or duplicates it. Is it...

  • Jaqueline Alves de Souza Jaqueline Alves de Souza posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Magnus, thanks for help. Do you know when this new update will be available? I tried to change the background with filters, but not worked.

  • Magnus Andersson Magnus Andersson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Jaqueline, It seems you may be encountering issues with reflections or noise, which complicates the exclusive detection of fish. I suggest using size as a criterion to filter out objects that are either smaller or larger than the fish you are tracking. Try to determine the pixel count of the fish in your tracking system, and then set precise boundaries based on this measurement. Additionally, I'm excited to inform you that we are about to release a NEW version of ToxTrac. This updated version...

  • Jaqueline Alves de Souza Jaqueline Alves de Souza posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I recently installed ToxTrac to analyze fish behavior. However, when I go to the "detection" step, the software detects objects in my aquarium and not just my fish. Is there any way to select what my object of interest is? in this case, my animal model.

  • Rebecca Rebecca modified a comment on a wiki page

    I am having trouble getting the software to pick up a rat (dark brown) on a light colored background. Do you have any recommendations for trouble shooting?

  • Rebecca Rebecca posted a comment on a wiki page

    I am having trouble getting the software to pick up a rat (dark brown) on a light colored background. Do you have any recommendations for trouble shooting?

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.98_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.97_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • leigod leigod posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • leigod leigod posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • leigod leigod posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • leigod leigod posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • leigod leigod posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • leigod leigod posted a comment on discussion General Discussion


  • Morgan Abbott Morgan Abbott posted a comment on ticket #2

    I found them! Thank you!

  • Morgan Abbott Morgan Abbott created ticket #2

    Color values in graphical results

  • Suhel Tamboli Suhel Tamboli modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have recently started using ToxTrac. I was wondering if there is any way to insert the dimensions of the arena? Because I am not getting the arena size (width and height) accurately after tracking. Thanks in advance!

  • Suhel Tamboli Suhel Tamboli modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have recently started using ToxTrac. I was wondering if there is any way to insert the dimensions of the arena? Because I am not getting the arena size (width and height) accurately after tracking. Thanks in advance!

  • Suhel Tamboli Suhel Tamboli posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I was wondering if it is possible to obtain speed of the rodent for all time points (at each frame)?

  • Aliya jennifer Aliya jennifer posted a comment on a wiki page

    Behavioural analysis based on video recording is becoming increasingly popular within research fields such as; ecology, medicine, ecotoxicology and toxicology. However, the programs available to analyse the data, which are free of cost, user-friendly, versatile, robust, fast and provide reliable statistics for different organisms (invertebrates, vertebrates and mammals) are significantly limited check at company website We present an automated open-source executable software (ToxTrac) for image-based...

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.96_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.95_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.94_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac updated /

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac updated /

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.93_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • Vivian Jaeger Vivian Jaeger posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    After manually calibrating the matrix (mm:pixel ratio obtained from ImageJ), in the results, the arenas show the correct dimensions, but all distance-related calculations (total distance, speed etc.) show values that can not be correct (e.g. animal visibly moves for a few centrimetres, total distance says >1 meter). I don't know where my error is. Help would be very much appreciated! :-)

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.92_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a comment on ticket #1

    Yes, you are right. The documentation really needs an update too. You may want to follow the project in ResearchGate, all public comunications are handled now in that platform. And I try to include the license info in all updates. EDIT (2020/09/15): After taking your comments into account we have decided to add the source code of v2.61. The version published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution (MEE). However, due to our current work in the project, we may not upload newer sources for the moment.

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a comment on ticket #1

    Hi, Dear Benjamin, the code of ToxTrac was indeed available upon request for more than two years after the initial release of the paper, and we even made some public calls to start cooperative developing efforts. EDIT (2020/09/15): We have decided to distribute Toxtrac v2.61 with GPL license. To control the quality of Toxtrac and its updates, and to provide a better support. We are not providing more recent versions. We are willing stablish a collaboration agreement with anyone willing to contribute...

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a comment on ticket #1

    Hi, Dear Benjamin, the code of ToxTrac was indeed available upon request for more than two years after the initial release of the paper, and we even made some public calls to start cooperative developing efforts. EDIT: We still distribute Toxtrac v2.61 with GPL license. But in newer versions we decided to change our license to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, until the final version is complete. We will provide the old code on demand. If you are...

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a comment on ticket #1

    Yes, you are right. The documentation really needs an update too. We will also add v2.61 as GPL You may want to follow the project in ResearchGate, all public comunications are handled now in that platform. And I try to include the license info in all updates.

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified ticket #1

    ToxTrac licensing

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on ticket #1

    Yes, you are right. The documentation really needs an update too. You may want to follow the project in ResearchGate, all public comunications are handled now in that platform. And I try to include the license info in all updates.

  • Benjamin Gallois Benjamin Gallois posted a comment on ticket #1

    Ok it's fine, maybe just a note in the documention that the articles were made with an open-source version not available anymore and stating the new license will be sufficient. Just for the sake of clarity.

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a comment on ticket #1

    Hi, Dear Benjamin, the code of ToxTrac was indeed available upon request for more than two years after the initial release of the paper, and we even made some public calls to start cooperative developing efforts. Sometime ago, we decided to change our license to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. And recently, since the version of the software published in MEE has been outdated for a long time, and so we can have some control over the quality of the...

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a comment on ticket #1

    Hi, Dear Benjamin, the code of ToxTrac was indeed available upon request for two years after the initial release of the paper, and we even made some public calls to start cooperative developing efforts. Sometime ago, we decided to change our license to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. And recently, since the version of the software published in MEE has been outdated for a long time, and so we can have some control over the quality of the software,...

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on ticket #1

    Hi, Dear Benjamin, the code of ToxTrac was indeed available upon request for two years after the initial release of the paper, and we even made some public calls to start cooperative developing efforts. Sometime ago, we decided to change our license to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. And recently, since the version of the software published in MEE has been outdated for a long time, and so we can have some control over the new versions, we decided...

  • Benjamin Gallois Benjamin Gallois created ticket #1

    ToxTrac licensing

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a wiki page


  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.91_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a wiki page


  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.90_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ReadmeDialog.rtf

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /License.rtf

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ReadMeFull.rtf

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ReadMe.txt

  • Konrad Adler Konrad Adler posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello! First of all - Thanks for that great open source tracking program! I am a student currently working on my bachelor thesis on videos with ant queens and brood. The ant queens were placed in circular petri dishes and up to 6 queens are filmed in the same sequence in different dishes. Due to the camera angle it is not quite possible to manually define areas with exactly the same size in every video, so I can compare values correctly afterwards. (attached a Picture to clarify the experimental...

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.84_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez modified a wiki page


  • Magnus Andersson Magnus Andersson posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Victor, Tracking time is dependent on video size, sampling frame rate, and computational power: CPU and RAM; and to some extent hard-drive, old-fashion spinner vs. the new generations SSD. If the other two computers older and with less RAM, this could be the case. Regards, Magnus

  • Victor Wiltenburg Victor Wiltenburg posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, first of all , thank you and congrats for you software, I'm sure that is a great service for the whole academic community ! I am tracking a few rodents in an open Field protocol, each video has 30min of tracking. The first video i traked, every think work fine and took me about 49 minutos to complete (my computer is very full..). After this video, I started in two different computers another video whith the same parameters and size. The thing is that both computer are taking more than 6 hour...

  • Alvaro Rodriguez Alvaro Rodriguez posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Im afraid, I never tried to run Toxtrac on python. But I hope it is not difficult to run. Hope you can write us back with updates about your experience trying to make Toxtrac run on python.

  • Mark Taylor Mark Taylor posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello all, The lab I work in is interested in using object tracking software to analyze our data. I've looked at several different programs and ToxTrac is the most attractive to me, however most of the lab uses Mac OS. Does anyone have any experience using ToxTrac and Wineskin together (or any other means of running ToxTrac on a Mac)? I have considered running a virtual machine, however a wrapper would be most convenient so I can simply share the wrapper with the others in the lab. Thank you!

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /ToxTrac_v2.83_setup.exe

  • ToxTrac ToxTrac released /

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