
Tree [r3] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 Mail_Mime-1.5.2 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 bookmark 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 bookmark_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 common 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 compose 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 compose_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 editMailbox 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 editMailbox_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 global 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 index 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 index_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 mail_list 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 mail_list_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 mailbox 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 mailbox_list 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 mailbox_list_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 mailbox_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 settings 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 settings_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 sponsors 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 view_mail 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 view_mail_xsl 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 IMPORTANT ChangeLog.txt 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 README.txt 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 index.php 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 info.php 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details
 pop3.obj 2008-05-12 mauriziocorallo [r3] New version, see changelog for details

Read Me

    touchmail - A webmail system for iPhone/iPodTouch
    Copyright (C) 2008  Danilo Lacerenza <>, Comvalid Inc.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Author:      Danilo Lacerenza
                 Bela Szasz
		   Maurizio Corallo

  ##   __                           __                                 ___          ##
  ##  /\ \__                       /\ \                            __ /\_ \         ##
  ##  \ \ ,_\   ___   __  __    ___\ \ \___     ___ ___      __   /\_\\//\ \        ##
  ##   \ \ \/  / __`\/\ \/\ \  /'___\ \  _ `\ /' __` __`\  /'__`\ \/\ \ \ \ \       ##
  ##    \ \ \_/\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \__/\ \ \ \ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \ \_\ \_     ##
  ##     \ \__\ \____/\ \____/\ \____\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__/.\_\\ \_\/\____\    ##
  ##      \/__/\/___/  \/___/  \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/\/_/ \/_/\/____/    ##
  ##                                                                                ##

   -----   I N F O   -----
      The program is an beta / heavy-development  phase,  so  if  you  want  to  use
      touchmail you have to come close to the source and edit it by yourself!

   -----   R E Q U I R E M E N T S   -----
      Apache software with modules
         -  php (version >= 5)

   -----   I N S T A L L A T I O N   -----
      If you want to have less trouble as possible follow these steps:
         1) copy the touchmail root folder in your Apache public dir
               cp -r touchmail/* /var/www/htdocs/

         2) open common/ and set your users spool folder in user_root_path
            variable. By default this is "/usr1/touchmail"
               var $user_root_path = "your_user_root_folder";

         3) create the root folder (/usr1/touchmail/) with  permits  writing  by  the
            apache user ( ex: www-data)
               mkdir /usr1/touchmail/
               chown 755 www-data /usr1/touchmail/
            If your system has not www-data user use nobody user (group nobody)

         4) - OPTIONAL - if you want to access  not-pop  server  (hotmail, libero...)
              install   in   your   server   FreePOPs   0.2.6.   Download    it    in
     and follow the note installation

      By default touchmail works with pop and imap server. If you  want to  allow  to
      use only pop solution create a file in your user root folder named 'no_imap'
               touch /usr1/touchmail/no_imap

   For any problem or question: 
   I will be very pleased to  help  you  using  touchmail!  If  you  need  some  help
   integrating touchmail in you project I'm very  glad  to  try  helping  you!  Don't
   hesitate  to contact me!
   Good Luck!
