
#714 Prevent Checkout that replaces non committed files

Sky chan

If you have a module checked out, modified and uncommitted it is currently possible to checkout that same module to that same directory and the modified files will be overwritten, losing your changes forever. The CVS system should warn the user prior to continuing with such overwrites otherwise there is no way of recovering the changes if the user makes the mistake of performing this action.

Steps to reproduce:

Checkout a module, leaving its folder destination default.

Modify a file within the checked out module.

Right click on the folder containing the checked out module, select CVS Checkout... and checkout that same module without changing the destination folder.

The modified file will be overwritten.

Sometimes I have seen the original file being backed up with the file name structure ".#ORIG_NAME.ext.version_number" where version_number is the version of the file being backed up. This backup is not guaranteed to occur and I do not know what instigates the backup. It is most definitely possible to perform the above operations and not have any backup files made.


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