
TorrentVolve Installation Scope

TorrentVolve is intended to be installed on a server which you have full control of. The development team does not condone the installation of TorrentVolve on public/shared hosting services, as this would violate most ISPs' Acceptable Use Policies. TorrentVolve needs full SimpleXML support within PHP along with the ability to execute system commands to operate; the latter is probably not allowed on most public/shared hosting services.

Please keep in mind that TorrentVolve is designed to run on a computer in your own household, not as a public web site. Granted, you should be able to access your TorrentVolve site from anywhere in the world, but TorrentVolve is not designed to service Internet users.

For now, please do not bother asking any questions about installing TorrentVolve on a shared hosting service.

Posted by TJ Van Cott 2006-12-30

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